Interim Pipeline of Light Report
December 2005
Dear Friends,
It is with great satisfaction that I present this progress report on 
the activities of the Pipeline of Light volunteers.
During last summer's General Council meeting in Pennsylvania, 
Fellowship councilors agreed to reclaim the administration of the 
Pipeline of Light.  Since August, we have:
1. established protocols for receiving donations and placing books
2. developed a working relationship with Tamara Woods, who ships 
Pipeline books directly from Foundation offices
3. raised $5082, slightly more than half of our goal for 2006
4. sent 24 books to individuals in Nigeria, Pakistan, Costa Rica, 
Malaysia, and Myanmar
5. Shipped 70 books to contacts in Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, 
Guatemala, Colombia, and Venezuela, in preparation for
     Agustin Arellano's travels to study groups in those countries 
during the first three months of 2006
6. shipped ten books for placement in Costa Rica
Next quarter, we plan to raise Pipeline awareness and donations through 
the development of a "cosmic" cookbook, which should be wonderful 
fun... more on that in the next report.  I have also received an offer 
from Saskia Raevouri to put her fundraising skill to work for us.
Will you please bring this report to the next meeting of your society 
or study group, and put us on the agenda for next year's budget?  Many 
thanks to those societies and individuals who have been able to help us 
with this work over the past several months!   Donations can be sent 
The Urantia Book Fellowship
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY  10163
It is a great joy to be involved in the spread of the revelation to the 
corners of the earth!  Wishing you peace and productivity in the New 