2006 Annual Fellowship Committee Reports

The Urantia Book
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163

Publications Committee Annual Report

June 15, 2006

Things are moving along much the same as ever for Publications. The Herald went to press yesterday, after a delay at the printer's. This is one of our largest issues, 48 pages, and has articles on a number of different subjects, including youth, angels, prophecy, and science in The Urantia Book. The pdf file has been sent to David to post on the website.

We have issued one Mighty Messenger so far this year, and will have another as soon after the Summer Study Session as the articles and pictures can be collected. I rely on all of you to submit pictures and information about your societies, study groups, projects, etc. as soon after this meeting as you can. In fact, if you can bring the information to the Summer Study Session, that will be even better.

The focus on this next issue of the Mighty Messenger will be on international activities. I realize this is a sensitive subject in many respects. However, the more news we give our readers about what is going on and what is needed out there, the more donations we are likely to get.

I would also like to publish another issue of the Mighty Messenger by the end of the year. We will have room for some articles on subjects of your choice. Due to space limitations, the length should be kept to approximately 750 words.

Our publications don’t write themselves. We need your input in the form of articles, pictures, news items, etc. If you have a special project to promote, or your committee or study group needs some volunteer help, let us make that known.

We’re looking forward to another good year.

Linda Buselli, Chair
Publications Committee