Interim Report from Agustin Arellano
March, 2006



                    Since last mail I had to change my itinerary and program because of the lack of budget in general and during my trip to central america where more than expected expenses occurred.

                     With last deposit 02/07/06, I did two trips, one to Guadalajara for a weekend meeting with Jesuits where I gave UB's and posters as well as copies of the DVD with all the material we have done in the last 5 years, powerpoint presentations, posters, translations, etc.

                      Some of those jesuits are very interested in a follow up so I have already rented a hotel conference room for next June 4th with capacity of 200 pax. we are starting some radios and tv press conferences in order to get most of the readers in the state of Jalisco and invite surrounding states readers for this regional conference.

                        Last weekend I went to Hermosillo for a talk with some of the new readers at Jaim groups and scholars from the new Multiversity Edgar Morin which is including some spiritual aspects in education from a new paradigm, stayed Friday and Saturday with them, on Sunday a meeting with Jaim readers who are working with music for the study groups.  In a couple of months will have some songs to be used during the meetings, maybe show it in June 4th in Guadalajara.

                         For April we are going to visit five groups in Europe, Madrid 7.8.and 9 getting most of the northern readership, then 10 and 11 Barcelona for the southern readers.

                        On 12 and 13 Paris staying an extra day for the group in Chaville with our friend Georges Roche whose family are new readers, we have 15 and 16 free so Gabriela and Javier who are helping me carrying the UB's and making these visits know Paris.

                         On the 17th we visit Prague where there are some readers from Mazatlan who moved 9 years ago and have a small group there

                         On the 19th we visit Vienne where we' ll have a talk at the Gestalt institute there on spirituality and the psychotherapy

                         On 21,22,23 we work in Rome having two meeting with readers and one public, we are working on spiritual vitamins in French and Italian but I do not have the Italian version complete.

                         In May we have the meeting of the CN6 in Guayaquil and the schedule is as follows, May 20 and 22 Quito, May 23 Otavalo, May 24 Riobamba May 25 thru 29 will have the proper conference in Guayaquil.

                          These couple of months the book has not been available from the distributor so I have had to buy it at regular bookstores in teh regular price so my activities have slow down, they  promised (the distributors)to have it available this month.

                           Thanks for your support and hopefully by end May will get to the 500 UB's distributed first goal and will have to restate the 1500 UB's goal from the experience in this year.

In Love and Light

Agustin Arellano