Outreach Committee Report
February 2007
The past year has brought changes in leadership and we extend a special appreciation to Paula Thompson for her many years of devoted service for the Outreach Committee. Many thanks also go to the work of dedicated committee members and all those who give of their time and talent to reach out with The Urantia Book.
In the past year we have sponsored expos in the following cities: New York, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Denver, Pueblo, and Spokane. Public outreach at expos, utilizing our beautiful exhibit booth, great brochures, media presentations, lectures and other great outreach tools created by Urantia Book readers has proven to be consistently effective. Each year at expos we place hundreds of books, plant seeds in thousands of people's minds about the book and add a page of names to our mailing list. In 2007 we will add several other venues including a Woman's Conference in Mankato, Minnesota where Christina Seaborn will speak on Jesus and women.
Many thanks to Jo Ann Wiedman for traveling to help out with expo booths.
If your group is interested in doing public outreach with The Urantia Book, please contact me at tomo@imbris.net . The Outreach Committee has access to many great tools and resources to help you.
Again this year, Larry and Donna Whelan helped our outreach efforts with their Spiritual Vitamins. They are available to anyone who wants them for outreach. Spiritual Vitamins are an effective and fun way to get a conversation started or just plant a seed of truth. Please contact Larry at lwhelan@sbcglobal.net for more information.
The Speaker's Bureau:
Mary Jo Garascia and Maria Downing have done great work getting the Speaker's Bureau organized. Our next effort in this arena is to become pro-active, seeking out opportunities for speaking and presenting truths from the revelation. We are looking for those who are qualified to speak on various topics related to the Urantia Book. Contact us if you are interested. We will send you presentation and handout materials and connect you with a mentor, if needed, to coach and assist you in preparing for a speaking engagement.
The Cosmic Caf is one example of how readers create opportunities for interaction in their own community. This venue provides excellent training in becoming skillful speakers and advocates for the Revelation. Ours in Coeur d' Alene has been going for two and one half years. We always leave inspired as do the participants! Contact Aurora Hill at aurora2810@aol.com for a "How to Start a Cosmic Cafe" info packet.
To participate in the Speakers Bureau please contact Jo Ann Wiedman at: joawiedman@yahoo.com or Mary Jo Garascia at: pilgrim_mj@yahoo.com
The Study Group Directory:
Bobbie Dreier is doing a fantastic job managing the online Study Group Directory: http://urantiabook.org/study_groups/domestic_study_groups.htm If you have a study group, are willing to start a group, would like to be listed as a contact person, or know of a group that is not listed, please notify Bobbie at bdreier@earthlink.net.
Study Group Report Compiled by Bobbie Dreier:
Study Group Directory Report (2006)
Updating is an ongoing process. I will continue in 2007 and try to complete all the states.
When I am fairly certain that all the study groups listed are "live" I would like to pursue the creation of an on-line clickable map of study groups based on geographical zip code areas. Saskia Raevouri has offered to help me with this.
Media Project:
The Outreach Committee has embarked on a new plan for introducing the Urantia Book. We are creating media materials to assist readers with introducing the Revelation. A project currently in production is an introductory DVD that will be available for viewing on our website and for Study Groups and readers to use and distribute. The filming for this project will also be used for future documentary and archival purposes. David Kantor and Mitch Austin have agreed to help create a web portal for the introduction that is attractive and appealing to potential readers.
We are researching the technology and developing the resources necessary for becoming a major voice in the world of podcasting and video streaming. Our intention is to become a recognized leader in introducing spiritual thought through the use of the powerful emerging technology available to us.
Anyone with skills and/or an interest in assisting with these projects please contact an Outreach Committee member.
In Service,
The Outreach Committee
Thomas Orjala - Chair tomo@imbris.net
Jo Ann Wiedman - Secretary joawiedman@yahoo.com
Maria Downing - Member maridown@aol.com
Bobbie Dreier - Member bdreier@earthlink.net
Mary Jo Garascia - Member pilgrim_mj@yahoo.com
Aurora Hill - Adjunct aurora2810@aol.com