The Urantia Book Fellowship

Annual Report - 2007

This year the Publications Committee has endeavored to cut costs once again. With postal rates rising, the only way to keep costs down was to reduce the size of our publications. The spring edition of the Mighty Messenger was only eight pages instead of the usual twelve, and two of those were the registration form for SSS 07. By including this form in a publication, The Fellowship is saved the cost of a general mailing.

We are trying something new with the Herald. The 2006 edition was 48 pages, but by reducing the size of the type this time, we got the Herald into only 40 pages, thereby saving some of the printing costs. The postage rate remained the same. Should we receive complaints that the smaller font size is more difficult to read, we can go back to the larger print.

The Mighty Messenger is still underwritten by a generous donor, but The Fellowship funds pay for the Herald. This year we were able to provide two issues of the Mighty Messenger and one Herald for the total cost to The Fellowship of $l.02, including postage.

Please remember that you write the publications. We need pictures and news items for the Mighty Messenger, and in-depth articles for the Herald. We would also like artwork by our readers for the cover of the Herald. If you know an artist that would be willing to let us use something they've done, please let us know.

Linda Buselli, Chair

Publications Committee