November 2005
Lima, Peru
I got here in a delay of 9 hours but got on the road soon. This time got readers
from Chiclayo the northest to Ica, and some new leaders I got books but now
enough as usual even I carried 100 pounds this time.
Yesterday got an interview in a tv channel but this morning was to be aired some
people at the board of directors in the tv channel are from the Opus day and
decided not to show it.
We have today the last meeting and it was a great time to spend with theis
readers for the forst time I feel we could get a good feedback and things going
faster here.
Visited Mauricio Villacrez even he is not interested now in the UB he will be
back as soon as he end up school, introduce him to outside readers.
Ivan Franco is the most enthusiastic leader now is a 20 ys old reader and he
will start traveling to the neighbouring towns in march he is now preparing fot
the task you can send a hi note at chiclayurantia@gmail.com , I have him in a
wainting list for the trip to Bolivia since it would be good he meet more
readers from other country and start doing work there too.
A friend from the hotel I got 3 years ago Silvana Andrade decided to start a
group and also she will be helping any reader coming here in the future with a
good 50% discount at the hotels and the connectuions to do the meetings, she is
a new mom got twins two months ago and was very interested in the 4th part to
share with her family and friends, gave most of the readers at least a poster of
Ken Raveills since I cvould bring only 20 without paying taxes, alrady paid for
the weight since I have only 50 Lbs. allowed.
Will leave tonioght for Bolivia to attend their first national gathering will
send you news from there.