IC08 Conference report
San Diego State University has open dates the summer
of 2008 except the last weekend of July. I’m proposing August 7 as the
beginning date of our conference. Is there opposition to this date?
The campus is in downtown San Diego and very close to just
about everything. We’ll do a site visit in April or May. I’m extremely
encourage by this campus. They are building an underground trolley system that
will take you from one campus to another. Sea World and other points of
interest are in walking distance. And for golfers, Torrey Pines! Can’t wait for
that free day.
Bob Venosa has agreed to supply the logo for our
Pato Banto has agree to perform the opening and
closing of our conference. I explained my vision and he said, “I won’t let you
My co-chair. Remember the e-mail that went out on
SocAdmin last year with a subject line: Where are the Youth? One of my personal
missions is to find them and get them involved. I am proposing a young
co-chair. His name is Phil Taylor and he is 35. I’m attaching a letter to you
from him. I let him know that although I want to work with him for various
reasons, I respected you enough to help make the final decision. If he succeeds
the way we envision, he will have involved at least a few of the youth who can
fulfill leadership type positions in our movement in various ways. He believes
it is time for the youth to step up but realizes many of them simply do not
have the skills. That is another discussion. Neither one of us aspires to get
flocks of youth involved, but we do expect a good start.
Phil has the wherewithal to travel for site visits, has
experience in IUA conferences, created workshops, has practical detail of
smaller conferences (under 300). And – wants to be a loving bridge between the
IUA, Foundation and us. He is taking a personal risk to be involved in our
conference. But he’s willing to take that risk.
Once we confirm the date I’ll begin assembling the
conference team. Robert Burns has given me a good list of names in the California area.
Thanks everyone,