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from the Area Coordinator's Manual
The Urantia Book Fellowship

(1) A group applying for society charter must be comprised of at least twenty members, ten of whom shall be prospective Founders and the balance prospective Charter Members. These minimums must also be met at the time of installation.

(2) Founders shall be at least twenty one years of age and Charter Members at least sixteen.

(3) Membership in any religious organization or fraternal society shall not disqualify anyone from becoming a Founder or Charter Member.

(4) Founders are expected to have read The Urantia Book in its entirety, to believe in its teachings and to have been participating in a study group for at least three years prior to application.

(5) Founders and Charter Members are expected to have read the Fellowship Constitution and to agree to abide by it.

(6) The group must function as an organized body for at least one year following the date of application for society status. During that time, it will need to designate officers and draw up a constitution which will meet The Fellowship's approval.

(7) Naming the society should be done in consultation with the Charter Committee. Some geographical designation is expected but one that will not preempt future nearby societies from exercising the same option.

(8) Following approval of the application, the prospective society will need to pay a fee to the Fellowship. The purpose of the fee is to cover the cost of production of a charter document, so it will vary from time to time.

(9) Installation of the new society follows the approval by the Executive Committee. Time, place and format shall be decided upon by the applicants in consultation with the Charter Committee.

(10) Members who join the society subsequent to its installation, shall meet the same standards as do Charter Members.

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship