As many of you know, my primary interest is not in oiling administrative machinery; my major concern has always been in bringing the message of The Urantia Book to the world. I believe the most important things in the Urantia Brotherhood are taking place out in the grass roots of society in the lives and hearts of men and women, not at headquarters in Chicago. I am particularly interested in a leavening interface with the religious and educational institutions of our society. I see the General Council, the Executive committee, and the administrative officers not as an oligarchy directing the Brotherhood, but as the end\product of participative group wisdom. And I have great confidence in the group wisdom of the Brotherhood.As individuals we all have significant limitations. I'm sure I have an impressive list of these limitations. One of the most serious of these human deficiencies is the tendency to over-evaluate our own ideas and magnify our own importance. All too often we are like the fly riding on the wagon wheel declaring proudly, "Look how I make it go round!" These individual limitations, however, are not serious handicaps when we work together as teams and live as brothers. The administrative officers of Urantia Brotherhood are acutely aware of their need for help and guidance not only from our Father and our many unseen friends and superiors, but also from the entire Brotherhood. Together we can do what needs to be done.
More tasks need to be delegated to the many able people we have in Urantia Brotherhood. Study and screening committees need to be employed on a much broader scale. Local Societies should be called on to make inputs into the thinking of various study and administrative committees. Periodic attitude and opinion surveys of the entire membership of the Brotherhood could be most helpful to the Executive committee. We need more two-way communication. A monthly newsletter should be sent to the General Council, Field Representatives, and Society Presidents.
Starting with the officers of the Brotherhood and the Executive Committee, we need to spend more time stimulating people with the positive power of truth and encouraging them in creative action while spending less time giving restraining admonitions and trying to rid our brethren of inferior ideas and actions. We need to encourage, help, and undergird each other in our service.
Finally, let's enjoy ourselves. We may be engaged in one of the most important human activities on our planet but let's not take ourselves too seriously. We need to cultivate our sense of humor and learn to laugh at our frustrations. If you are not enjoying your service in the Brotherhood, you should shape your attitudes and activities so that they are creative, enjoyable, and fulfilling.
We are living in one of the great pivotal periods of history. It is a time which can try men's souls; it is a time for spiritual pioneering; it is a time of challenge and opportunity; it is a time to lay solid foundations. Let us rejoice that we are participants in a planetary development which has few parallels in history. And let us find love and joy in our service.
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship