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Stephen Dreier


The recent changes in our organizational association require many amendments to the Constitution of The Fellowship. The Judicial Committee has completed work on a number of the more immediate matters, and these will be submitted to the 1991 annual meeting of the General Council for adoption. The proposed amendments include: changing our name to "The Fellowship"; removing Urantia Foundation as the dissolution beneficiary of our assets; changing our corporate name to Fifth Epochal Fellowship Corporation; allowing amendment of the Constitution at any meeting of the General Council; changing the requirements for the name of a Local Society; using generic representation when referring to The Urantia Book, 

These amendments deal with technical housekeeping matters; they do not change the basic structure of our organization. During the upcoming year, The Judicial Committee plans to undertake the study of the many suggestions which have been made for substantial change to the structure of our association. These include: representation for each Local Society on the General Council; provision for an Annual, - Delegate Assembly; reduction of the term of office for a General Councilor; limitation of multiple terms on the General Council; and other similar matters.

The consideration of these changes will involve the participation of our entire membership. The Judicial Committee needs to have the comments and suggestions of all our members in order to develop proposals which adequately reflect organizational needs. All members are encouraged to take an interest in these matters and to communicate their thoughts to the Judicial Committee. 

The members of the committee are: Steve Dreier, Chair; Tom Kendall; Steve McIntosh; Ellen Montgomery, Secretary; David Owen; and Dan Young. 

Submitted by Steve Dreier, Chair

May 19, 1991