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Marilynn Kulieke

The work of the judicial Committee over the past year has been focused in two areas: constitutional revisions and organizational structure related to taking on the additional task of printing the Urantia Book. A brief summary of our actions on these two projects follows. 

Constitutional Revisions 

In November, a report was presented to the Executive Committee which outlined a strategy for approaching Constitutional Revisions. This report contained the following three suggestions.

1. Develop language for constitutional changes which do not relate to the structure of the Fellowship but are needed to better match the way that we currently function. An example might be to change the name of the charter committee or change the description of the charter committee's responsibilities. 

2. Develop language for constitutional revisions which include those changes made in #1, but in addition include the concept of an annual delegate assembly which passes its work on directly to the General Council. 

3. Language for constitutional revisions which include those changes made in #1, but in addition include the concept of a General Council in which societies have direct representation.

The general direction from the Executive Committee was to proceed in this direction. Steve McIntosh and Duane Faw both provided constitutional language aligned with suggestion #3. This work was passed on to the EC and discussed in general at the January, 1995 General Council Meeting. It was requested that we ask societies for their feedback on these revisions.

Organizational Structure

Some of the questions that our committee has been thinking about, are the following. 

1. How do other fraternal organizations which print books organize their printing operations in their organizational structure? 

2. How would the activity of printing and overseeing the production of The Urantia Book impact our constitution and by-laws?

3. What are some checks and balances that would help ensure that a small number of individuals can not have undue influence over the printing and distribution? 

4. We currently have the Fifth Epochal Fellowship Corporation and Board of directors. Should that be the corporate entity that we use for book sales or should another entity be formed? 

We will continue to deal with these issues as the work to print the book enfolds.

I would like to thank committee members Duane Faw, Tom Kendall, Steve McIntosh, Ellen Montgomery and David Owens for there work with this committee.