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1965 Description of The Urantia Book
by Marian Rowley

Note: This is my suggestion for Foundation to send Library of Congress to persuade them to change our listing. Christy OK'd it almost exactly and it was sent to Bill Hales that way. MTR 12/17/65

The Urantia Book is a revelation indited through a human mind by superhuman personalities. Since there is no human author, it is understandable that it might be classed as occult or esoteric. But the subject of the book is religion and it is essentially Christian. The book starts with a description of the Father, Son, and Spirit--their attributes and functions.

Next comes a description of the physical cosmos, the enormous universes in which they and their subordinate personalities operate (including a description of those created helpers.)

Part II is the story of a small part of the grand universe--the government and operation of our own local universe.

Part III is the description of the physical origin of our own world (named Urantia), the beginning of life, its evolution, and the evolution of religion.

These three parts are the foundation and background for the last third of the book--Part IV--which covers the life and teachings of Jesus, more completely than given in the New Testament, but not contradictory.

From this brief outline we are sure you will agree that the book should be lsited under "Religion, General" rather than under "Occult and Esoteric."



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