Jan.2nd Organization of Brotherhood, by meeting of General Council.
Apr. 4th Charter Committee prepared a report on basic nature of an Urantia Society, which was accepted.
Apr. 4th - Qualifications or Standards of Entrance into Courses for Certified Leaders and Ordained Teachers prepared by Education Committee approved.
May 2nd Pre-publication price of book fixed at $7.50.
May 2nd - First general solicitation letter for funds was mailed April 28th by Finance Committee.
June 1st Started paying rent to Dr. Sadler - $200.00 per month.
June 6th Executive Committee recommends to Foundation that price of book be $10.00 with wholesale price of $7.50.
July 5th Rent payments made retroactive to January 1st, 1955.
July 5th First quarterly News Letter was approved.
Oct. 3rd Leone Sadler and Marian Rowley appointed Joint Custodians of Book for Brotherhood and Foundation.
Apr. 2nd Domestic Extension sent approximately 50 gift books to individuals.
June 4th Urantia Brotherhood School to start part-time Sept. 1956, with formal opening probably Sept. 1957.
June 4th Charter No. 1 granted to the First Urantia Society, Chicago, Illinois.
July 2nd Approval given to set aside 100 books to be given as gifts to individuals, on Form 10.
Aug. 6th Approval given for Foreign Extension to send 100 gift books to libraries in the British Commonwealth.
Oct. 1st Urantia Brotherhood School opened Sept. 19th, 1956, with 71 students and auditors.
Oct. 1st Charter No. 2 was granted to the West Coast Urantia Society, Los Angeles, Calif.
Oct. 1st Treasurer authorized to transfer all funds to the newly formed Urantia Brotherhood Corporation, as of October 31st, 1956.
Feb. 4th Approval was given to raise the price of the book to $12.00 retail, with 40% discount to bookstores, to individual vendors who purchase 10 or more, and in any quantity to societies. Effective date to be determined later.
Mar. 4th Effective date of the price raise of book is June 1st, 1957. Foundation is to have the book listed in two book indexes used by dealers.
Apr. 1st The Committee agreed that the location should be included in the name of a local Urantia Society.
Apr. 1st The Treasurer of the Brotherhood School is to transfer school funds monthly to the Corporation. The School Treasurer was given a revolving fund of $100 for expenses, to be accounted for and reimbursed at end of each calendar quarter, and otherwise when requested.
May 6th - More discussion about the name of a society. It was agreed that if there was more than one in a town, the second could not call itself the first, even though the first one had not used first in its name.
May 6th Charter No. 3 was granted to the Urantia Society of Glenview.
May 6th Rent for our space was increased from $200 to $350 as of May 1st.
May 6th A Brotherhood phone was installed.
Aug. 5th Charter No. 4 was granted to the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma.
Oct. 7th Approval given to grant certificates for Ordained Teacher to 10 people: Ruth Burton, Alvin Kulieke, Edmond F. J. Kulieke, Warren Kulieke, Anna Rawson, Marian Rowley, Leone Sadler, William S. Sandler, Sr., Kenton Stephens, and Thomas Wideroe.
Oct. 7th Each committee presented rules of procedure adopted by their respective committees.
Nov. 4th Rules of the Executive Committee and Rules of Procedure of the Executive Committee were adopted.
Dec. 2nd It was agreed informally that the Chairman of the Triennial Nominating Committee of the Executive Committee (when officers are elected) should be the retiring President.
Feb. 3rd Suggestion was made that we observe the anniversaries of the granting of charters to societies. (Handled first by Charter, then by Domestic Extension, then by the President.
Mar. 3rd Dust jacket for book approved and sent on to Foundation for approval and printing.
July 7th Urantia pins were approved for purchase, the Brotherhood to pay its share of the die cost. $35.00 and local societies to buy the pins direct.
Aug. 4th Urantia pins and buttons are to be available only to members of a society, members-at-large, and any other person approved by the Executive Committee.
Oct. 6th Resolution passed at request of U. S. Treasury Dept. for provision of disposition of funds in case of dissolution of Brotherhood, and call for a special meeting of General Council on Oct. 26th, 1958, to amend the constitution to that effect.
Nov. 3rd Sample pin was approved. Agreed to order just this one style of pin. Approval of special citation to William S. Sadler, Sr., an award.
Feb. 2nd Oklahoma Society granted exemption from tithe on a special gift they had received.
Apr. 6th Approved two Charter Committee revised documents initiation ceremony for new members in a society and standards of admission for founders of a new society.
May 4th Resolution establishing the office of Field Representative and giving qualifications. Appointment of William S. Sadler, Jr., as Field Representative.
July 6th Lending library approved, to start with 3 Urantia Books from gift fund on a Form 10.
Aug. 3rd Permission granted by Foundation to the Brotherhood Corporation, and local societies to use the 3 circles on a light background.
Aug. 3rd Approval of special citation to Miss E. L. Christensen.
Sept. 8th Agreed to give 40% discount to libraries.
Dec. 7th Approved printing 5,000 brochures of excerpts from book.
Jan. 4th Approved letter to be sent regarding tax exempt status granted in December 1959.
Feb. 1st Manuals listing duties of officers and chairmen were approved by Judicial Committee and were being prepared for distribution. Brochure of excerpts to cost 5 cents each, but free to bookstores.
Mar. 1st Committee authorized a trip of Dr. Sprunger and his wife to Oklahoma and Los Angeles societies. (Not yet a Field Representative)
Apr. 4th - Field Representative reports are to be on Urantia Brotherhood letterhead.
Apr. 4th Charter No. 5 granted to the Second Urantia Society of Chicago.
May 2nd Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger appointed Field Representative. His Los Angeles trip cancelled because of problems in that society.
June 6th Only 2 signatures of officers, instead of 3, will be needed in the future on Form 10.
June 6th The lending library will be increased immediately by 7 books, making a total of 10 available, to be handled on Form 10.
July 5th Statement of what is expected of a local society was approved.
Dec. 5th Permission was granted for a change of name from the West Coast Urantia Society to the First Urantia Society of Los Angeles, California.
1961 Charter No. 6 was granted to the Urantia Society of Santa Monica.
Feb. 7th The 5 cent fee for the brochure was rescinded.
Feb. 7th Charter No. 7 was granted to the Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago.
June 5th The Santa Monica group requested that their application for a charter as the Urantia Society of Santa Monica be withdrawn, which was granted.
June 5th The Urantia Foundation notified the Brotherhood that the price of the Urantia Book to the Brotherhood would be increased from $5.50 to $6.00 effective July 1st, 1961.
Aug. 7th Procedure for Field Representatives was changed. Previously they have sent a report to the Executive Committee with copies to societies concerned, or to all societies. From now on, they will report only to the Executive Committee, who will transmit any information necessary to the societies concerned.
Aug. 7th The Judicial Committee rendered certain opinions in response to a letter from William S. Sadler, Jr., concerning the right of a society to petition the Judicial Committee and concerning tithes.
Aug. 28th Special meeting. Approved the bulletin to go to the societies giving the Judicial Committees opinions in response to Mr. Sadlers letter concerning the right of petition and the matter of tithes.
Aug. 28th Upon receipt of advice from our attorney, it was agreed that we would sell Urantia Books only to bookstores, individual vendors, and members of the Brotherhood and students of the school, all of whom would be exempt from the Illinois Retailers Occupation Tax. All other individual purchasers in Illinois would be referred to bookstores.
Sept. 11th Manuals for officers and chairmen were distributed in August.
Oct. 2nd Resignation of Russell W. Bucklin, Treasurer.
Nov. 6th It was agreed that the annual solicitation letter for funds should be a joint letter from both Brotherhood and Foundation, with the approval of the lawyer. This is the first joint appeal.
Nov. 6th The Brotherhood authorized transfer to the Foundation early in December, the sum of $10,000.
Mar. 5th Death of Warren H. Kulieke Feb. 23rd, 1961. President.
Mar. 5th Application form for membership-at-large was approved.
Apr. 2nd William S. Sadler, Jr., resigned March 11th as Field Representative.
Apr. 2nd New carpet for 2nd floor meeting room. Brotherhood shared cost with the First Urantia Society.
May 7th A Rule of the Executive Committee was adopted covering members-at-large.
June 4th A membership card for members-at-large was approved. 100 to be printed.
June 4th Our lawyer did not give a definite opinion on the right of an Ordained Teacher to perform the marriage ceremony, but said it would probably depend on whether the Brotherhood was considered a church. He will study it further.
July 2nd Effective July 1st, our rent was increased from $350 to $500 a month.
Sept. 4th A portrait of Dr. Sadler by Gustav Likan was presented to the Brotherhood on August 21st, 1962.
Mar. 4th Approved the Committee on Educations plan for a summer study session on August 23rd, 24th, and 25th.
Apr. 1st Restrictions on sale of Urantia pins and buttons were lifted. They may now be sold to anyone at the discretion of the Secretary-general or any of the other officers of the Brotherhood.
June 3rd Furniture from The Pure Oil Company was received as a gift.
Sept. 3rd Summer study session was held August 23rd 25th, and was a success with over 100 present from 12 states.
Nov. 22nd Death of our first President William S. Sadler, Jr.
Jan. 6th Executive Committee will recommend to General Council date of August 20th, 1964, for start of Triennial Delegate Assembly.
July 6th Rules of the Executive Committee were changed so that the Committee can set the annual meeting of the General Council at its convenience. Also, time for annual reports was changed accordingly. This was done because the first Triennial Delegate Assembly was set for August, with the Triennial meeting of the Council to follow it immediately.
Aug. 20th 22nd First Triennial Delegate Assembly held delegates from 6 societies. The meetings were open to outsiders as observers, and 21 from out of town were present. August 22nd, meeting (Triennial) of the General Council.
Sept. 8th James C. Mills was appointed Field Representative for Wisconsin and Minnesota, with the understanding that other members of the Brotherhood would have the privilege of making contacts in those states.
Sept. 8th The name of the Quarterly News Letter was changed to Urantia Brotherhood Bulletin, with all copy to be edited and approved by the President and the Secretary-General of the Brotherhood.
Oct. 5th The brochure Excerpts from the Urantia Book was authorized for reprinting at a cost of $472.00 for 10,000 copies.
Nov. 2nd Approval was given to a revised application for membership-at-large, in order to tighten up the qualifications.
Dec. 7th The Rules of the Executive Committee were changed to cover the new requirements for members-at-large.
Jan. 4th A committee was appointed to study the constitution and prepare amendments.
Jan. 4th The date for the summer study session was set for August 6th and 7th, and possibly the morning of August 8th, with the General Council meeting to be held the afternoon of August 8th.
Jan. 4th The Executive Committee decided that the Urantia Brotherhood School should give credit for the school course to be given in Los Angeles by Ruth Burton. The course was a minor The Urantia Book and the New Testament covering 2 hours a week for 9 weeks, for a total of 18 hours. The same rules would apply as for the Chicago school.
Jan. 4th In an effort to coordinate all maps and charts made up by the societies, a committee was appointed to undertake this task, with the final maps chosen to be turned over to the Foundation for printing.
May 3rd It was agreed that the money in the treasury of the Urantia Brotherhood School should be turned over to the Treasurer of Urantia Brotherhood Corporation and all school funds be handled by him in the future.
May 3rd Mrs. Julia Fenderson, Los Angeles, California, and Miss Berkeley Elliott, Oklahoma City, Okla., were appointed Field Representatives.
June 7th Eight amendments to the Urantia Brotherhood constitution and by-laws were approved for presentation to the General Council at its annual meeting on August 8th.
Aug. 2nd Domestic Extension Committee prepared a letter and return card to be attached to each Urantia Book sold to an individual inviting them to request being put on the mailing list.
Aug. 6th, 7th, 9th Summer Study Session.
Aug. 8th Annual meeting of General Council. Five amendments were adopted.
Sept. 7th The Executive Committee was informed that a letter from John Seres, President of the Second Urantia Society of Chicago announced the dissolution of that society as of September 30th, 1965. It was agreed that the charter number should not be reassigned, but should be used again.
Dec. 6th An anonymous gift was made to Urantia Brotherhood of a stereo record player, two loud speakers, and records, amounting to $1,036.00.
Jan. 3rd Mrs. Ruth Burton taught another extension school course in Los Angeles a minor, Doctrine I, 2 hours a week for 9 weeks.
Feb. 7th Appointment of a committee to work on additional amendments to the Brotherhood constitution, for presentation at the annual meeting of the General Council, to be held on August 7th, 1966.
May 2nd Committee on Maps and Charts was dissolved.
June 6th Urantia Brotherhood School courses for credit will not be held during the next year, for lack of students. A seminar to study the book in depth will be held for 9 weeks in spring and fall, open to all who are interested.
June 6th Six amendments to the Urantia Brotherhood constitution and by-laws were approved for presentation to the General Council at its annual meeting on August 7th, 1966.
July 5th A new committee on Maps and Charts was appointed.
Aug. 7th Annual meeting of General Council. All amendments adopted.
Nov. 7th An anonymous gift of $1,000 was received to be used for producing Vern Grimsleys radio program on the West Coast.
Jan. 29th The date for the second Triennial Delegate Assembly was set for August 4th and 5th, 1967.
Mar. 6th The Committee on Maps and Charts was dissolved.
Apr. 3rd Authorization to transfer $10,000 from Corporation account to the Foundation.
Aug. 4th, 5th Triennial Delegate Assembly.
Sept. 5th The name of The First Urantia
Society of Los Angeles, California, was changed to First Urantia Society
of Los Angeles.
Nov. 6th Policy set on giving out names of people who are readers of the book to others.
Jan. 2nd Discount policy 40% in any quantity to stores and libraries; 40% in quantities of 10 to societies and Brotherhood members; 40% to others at discretion of two officers.
Aug. 2nd, 3rd Summer Study Session.
Aug. 2nd, 3rd Committee on Memberships appointed to study different classes of membership, such as active, associate, and junior.
Apr. 7th Decision to mail the quarterly Bulletin direct from headquarters to all members, instead of through secretaries of societies.
May 5th Scriptomatic addressing machine purchased.
June 1st Mrs. Rawson placed on payroll of Corporation as of May 1st, 1969.
July 7th Committee on Memberships proposed two new classes of membership Associate and Junior.
Aug. 1st, 2nd Summer Study Session.
Aug 1st, 2nd Approved application for Charter number 8 for the First Urantia Society of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Nov. 3rd First Urantia Society of Fort Wayne, Indiana was installed Nov. 1st.
Dec. 1st Motion to take no action on the two new classes of members recommended by Committee on Memberships.
Jan.5th Decision to rent a postage meter.
Feb. 2nd Approval for promotion brochure giving resume and titles of papers.
Apr. 6th Societies asked to sell books at full price of $15.00 (discount of 40%).
May 4th Approved application for Charter No. 9 for the First Urantia Society of Wenatchee.
May 4th Foundation gave $1,752 to Dr. Sadler Memorial Fund to Brotherhood for gift books, but will hold it and transfer it only as needed. First check for $250.
June 7th Installation of First Urantia Society of Wenatchee.
July 31st, Aug. 1st - Triennial Delegate Assembly.
Nov. 2nd Transferred $20,000 from Corporation to Foundation.
Dec. 7th Approved application for Charter No. 10 for the First Urantia Society of Houston.
Dec. 7th Attorney said we could refuse to sell to any store, but must do so openly and give the reason therefore, if requested.
Jan. 31st Installation of First Urantia Society of Houston.
Mar. 1st Price of Urantia Book increased from $15.00 to $20.00.
Mar. 1st We will sell Clyde Bedells Concordex only to individuals he will sell to stores and libraries.
Mar. 1st Appointment of Advisory Committee as requested by Triennial Delegate Assembly in July 1970.
April Discontinued sending out Domestic Extension postcard with request to be added to mailing list. Revised form of letter will be sent with each book ordered by an individual.
April Minutes of Triennial Delegate Assembly available for reading only at headquarters by a General Councilor or a delegate to that Assembly.
May Safe was purchased - $1,000 shared with Foundation.
May Minutes of Executive Committee to be read only at headquarters at request of any General Councilor.
July Approval to send list of nominees for committee chairmen and members in advance to General Council with notice of annual meeting.
July Foundation authorized Corporation to sell Artists Conception of Master Universe at $1.00.
July 30th, 31st Summer Study Session.
Sept. Advisory Committee presented 45 suggestions to General Council, which was referred to Executive Committee.
Oct. - Approved discount of 40% to bookstores, libraries, and accredited schools in any quantity, and to societies and members ordering 10 or more and to others at discretion of two or more officers; 30% if drop-shipped.
Dec. Miss Cook & Mr. Kulieke appointed to work out contract with Donnelly for them to mail books. (Never done) Not customary to charge handling fee to stores.
Jan. 3rd Paul Snider, Englishtown, N. J., and John W. Hales, Brooklyn, N.Y., appointed Field Representatives.
May 1st Authorization to purchase 2 IBM Selectric typewriters and a secretarial desk and chair.
July 3rd Motion to send the list of nominees for committee chairmen and members in advance to General Council.
Nov. 6th Motion to adopt a resolution to be sent to Membership Committee of First Urantia Society recommending the expulsion of Robert Burton from that society.
Jan. 14th Death of Alvin L. Kulieke, President of Brotherhood.
Feb. 5th Agreed that letter should be written to all societies and some others who buy 10 books at a discount asking their cooperation in selling the book at the full price of $20.00.
Feb. 5th By-laws of Corporation amended to hold annual meeting the first Monday of the month following the annual meeting of the General Council.
Mar. 5th Peter Sarfaty appointed Field Representative (Des Moines, Iowa).
Apr. 2nd - Executive Committee appointed E. L. Christensen as President and James C. Mills as Vice President to hold office until next meeting of General Council.
May 7th Price of pins and lapel buttons raised from $6.50 to $10.00. Price of Concordex raised to $10.00.
May 7th List of possible candidates for General Councilors was approved to be sent to societies, with a brief resume of each, for use of their delegates to Triennial Delegate Assembly.
May 7th Executive Committee approved letter to be sent to societies with suggestions for cleaning their membership lists.
July 2nd The Executive Committee voted to recommend to the General Council that the Van Award be given to Miss Christensen for her many years of devoted and distinguished service. Also, that citations be given for long and faithful service to Edith Cook, Anna Rawson, Marian T. Rowley, Leone M. Sadler, and Alvin L. Kulieke, posthumously.
July 2nd Corporation voted to transfer $20,000 to the Foundation for the fourth printing of The Urantia Book.
Aug. 3rd, 4th Triennial Delegate Assembly held A resolution was passed pledging full support to the trustees of the Foundation in their efforts to protect The Urantia Book. Another resolution was passed recommending amendments to Sections 8:3 and 8:4 on the Brotherhood constitution. This was referred to the General Council. The Van Award was presented to Miss E. L. Christensen, and Citations to Edith E. Cook, Anna Rawson, Marian T. Rowley, Leone M. Sadler, and Alvin L. Kulieke, posthumously.
Aug. 5th - General Council Meeting. Resolution on amendments referred to Executive Committee. Paul Snider elected President. Advisory Committee continued for one more year.
Aug. 6th Executive Committee agreed to send copies of the resolution expressing full support of the trustees of the foundation to the president of each society, members-at-large, and leaders of study groups.
Aug. 6th Because of an error in the Corporation By-laws amendment passed in February, a correction was made to the effect that the annual meeting of the Corporation be held on the first Monday following the annual meeting of the General Council, if that is the first Monday of the month, otherwise, on the first Monday of the following month.
Oct. 1st Lewis A. Clark, East Wenatchee, Washington, was appointed Field Representative.
Nov. 5th Resignations of Paul Snider and James C. Mills as Field Representatives were accepted.
Nov. 5th Mrs. Anna Rawsons salary as an office employee was reduced by 50% to $75.00 a month.
Dec. 3rd An Editorial Committee for the new publication was appointed: Mary Lou Hales, Jim Mills, Meredith Sprunger, Kenton Stephens, and Paul Snider.
Jan. 7th Responsibility for consideration of forming a Speakers Bureau was assigned to the Fraternal Relations Committee under the direction of Mr. Mills.
Feb. 4th Richard Ziglars request for a distributorship of The Urantia Book on the West Coast denied.
Feb. 4th The question of selling Mrs. Sunderlands tapes of The Urantia Book was tabled.
Feb. 4th It was agreed that $500 of the $1,000 contribution of Mrs. Merret Culbertson be sent to the Family of God Foundation.
Feb. 4th A resolution was passed to amend the constitution to eliminate the time of day for the Executive Committee monthly meetings.
Mar. 4th Policy on selling pins and buttons was revised. Formerly sold to Brotherhood members and anyone else approved by any officer of the Brotherhood. Now may be sold only to members of the Brotherhood.
Apr. 1st Executive Committee authorized appointment of John W. Hales as Resident Director of Brotherhood at a salary of $15,000 a year, (Reported for duty Sept. 1st).
May 4th Anna Rawson resigned as Secretary of the Brotherhood and the Corporation, effective July 28th, 1974.
May 4th Stephen Dreier appointed as Field Representative to replace John Hales.
June 3rd Mrs. Helena Wall Sprague was appointed as Field Representative and all restrictions regarding boundaries for all Field Representatives were removed.
June 3rd Motion passed to send names of nominees to General Council with the notice of annual meeting, July 28th.
July 1st Judicial Committee reported that neither amendment originated by the Triennial Delegate Assembly and passed through the General Council was necessary.
July 26th, 27th Summer Study Session was held at Kendall College, Evanston.
July 28th General Council annual meeting was held. Amendment was passed giving Executive Committee freedom to meeting at any time on the first Monday of each month.
July 28th Kenton E. Stephens resigned as Chairman of Committee on Education and Meredith J. Sprunger was elected as Chairman.
Sept. 3rd Because there was some doubt as to the authenticity of the Religion of Jesus School Store run by Jim Kimmel in Hawaii, it was agreed not to sell Urantia Books to them at a discount.
Sept. 3rd The President was authorized to sign the Confirmatory Agreement with the Foundation regarding the use of the name and symbol.
Sept. 30th John Hales resigned as Field Representative, and approval given to hire a full-time secretary for Mr. Hales.
Sept. 30th It was agreed to establish a policy of four weeks paid vacation, plus 12 paid holidays for permanent full-time employees, with executive discretion when employees were not committed Urantians.
Sept. 30th Application was accepted from Western Springs study group to be chartered as First Urantia Society of Western Springs.
Nov. 9th First Urantia Society of Western Springs was installed.
Dec. 2nd Henry Begemann was appointed Field Representative.
Dec. 2nd James C. Mills resigned as Chairman of the Fraternal Relations Committee.
Jan. 6th President and Secretary authorized to sign Confirmatory Agreement with Foundation as revised.
Jan. 6th Authorization to print membership cards for the societies to be offered to them.
Jan. 6th Authorization for the President to sign an application for employee benefits.
Feb. 3rd Appointed Arthur Andersen & Co., to set up new books and for the Corporation and make the annual audit.
Feb. 3rd Accepted the resignation of Marian Rowley as Secretary-General to the effective March 31st, 1975. E. L. Christensen appointed as Acting Secretary-General.
Feb. 3rd Out-of-pocket expenses for those attending the Executive Committee meetings from a distance may be paid at the Presidents discretion.
Feb. 3rd Summer Study Session name change to General Conference of Urantia Brotherhood, and the workshop preceding shall be called Summer Workshops of Urantia Brotherhood School.
Feb. 3rd Motion passed to authorize the principle transferring $20,000 to Foundation for fifth printing and other purposes according to a procedure to be established by Arthur Andersen & Co.
Mar. 3rd Statement of policy on advertising and publicity approved to be sent out to societies, study groups, and field representatives.
Mar. 3rd Application for membership-at-large was approved.
Mar. 3rd The name The Urantian was approved for the new publication. The Editorial Committee was dissolved and Paul Snider was appointed Editor with Mary Lou Hales as consultant.
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship