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G. H. Statement
Regarding Resignation from Urantia Foundationp
July 16, 1990

For a number of reasons, among which is the fact I am currently employed by Fifth Epochal Fellowship, I have refrained from commenting on recent events between Fifth Epochal Fellowship and Urantia Foundation.

F.S., H.S., and I resigned from the Board of Trustees of Urantia Foundation in response to a crisis in board management of critical magnitude. We were unanimous in this evaluation. Each of us felt the crisis was severe enough to prevent us from fulfilling our duty as a trustee if we continued to serve under conditions as they existed.

We were divided only in our determinations concerning solutions to the problem. This division has been interpreted to mean that our resignations were personal and individual. It is true we resigned individually. It is not true that the cause of our resignations was personal and individual.

As a majority, we three had the numbers to bring about an apparent change of management of the five-member board. Even with a change of officers, however, it is my belief that--no matter which trustee happened to serve as president--the board would continue to be controlled by one particular trustee. And that control was of a nature which each of us resigning trustees felt prevented us from fulfilling our responsibilities. I personally felt that the course on which the board was headed was dangerous for the survival of the Foundation itself and was detrimental to the fulfillment of the purposes of the Foundation as stated in the Declaration of Trust. For me, "nonfulfillment of my duty as a trustee" meant that it was impossible for me to prevent the Foundation from pursuing what I believed to be a self-destructive course.

We three did not have the numbers to bring about an effective change in management--that is, removal of a trustee from the board. Therefore, we would have had to seek legal recourse outside the board to change the situation. We did not explore this option together. I do not know how the two other resigning trustees felt about this course of action.

This is a statement of my evaluation of a crisis on the board which, in my opinion, was substantive at that time and now--with serious consequences to the orderly, natural progression of this revelation in the hearts of man.

July 26, 1990

A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship