Urantia Foundation Trustees Report on
Special Meeting of January 1997
Dear Reader of The Urantia Book,
As many of you know, the Trustees invited several Fellowship members to the Foundation office on Saturday, January 11, to discuss issues of mutual concern. We suggested that the meeting have a "theme" rather than an "agenda". The theme proposed was Understanding–first on an individual basis and then on an organizational level. We then hoped to start formulating plans for the future. The Fellowship representatives accepted this proposal.
Those present at the meeting were as follows:
Steve Dreier, Gard Jameson, Marilyn Kulieke, Harry McMullan and Mo Siegel, from the Fellowship,
Tom Burns, George DuPont, Richard Keeler and Pat Mundelius, from the Foundation.
All of us agreed at the end of the day that it had been a very worthwhile meeting. There were genuine feelings of friendship and there was a true desire to work out acceptable solutions to shared problems. All of us recognized, at the beginning and again at the end of the day, that we do share the same ultimate goal concerning The Urantia Book.
There were many topics under discussion during the day, most of which were not considered in great detail. However, we did conclude the meeting in agreement concerning several issues. These are as follows:
- 1. Reader Referrals: The Foundation will refer readers to study groups where the focus of the group is the study of The Urantia Book, where the study group is a-political during the meeting and where the study group wishes to have reader referrals.
- 2. Communications: There would be every effort made to have open and frequent communications between the Fellowship and the Foundation, including more meetings.
- 3. Respect for Each Organization: There will be no derogatory remarks about the respective organizations. When leaders speak, it would be helpful if they would first identify if they are speaking for the group or as individuals.
- 4. Lawsuits: No lawsuits will be entered against each other without prior meetings to discuss problems. If at all possible, these meetings would include a face-to-face meeting.
- 5. Contact: Make all reasonable efforts to be in touch with each other when any problems first surface.
- 6. Projects: Look for joint project-opportunities.
We began and ended the meeting with meditation and prayer for wisdom in solving these mutual problems. We have agreed to meet again in the next few months. We will keep you informed and we thank you for your continued prayers.
The Trustees of Urantia Foundation
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship