Opening of the Ceremony
[ Lenny ] Today is a very important day in the lives of our children. Today we will do honor to each of them and to the gift bestowed upon them by God. Certainly any entity that can travel from the center of the universe to Urantia in under 117 hours, 42 minutes and 7 seconds does not need our help in beginning their careers with their chosen child. But, we do well in honoring this most special event. To begin I would like to refer to Page 966.
[ Norma ] "Regardless of the drawbacks and handicaps, every new revelation of truth has given rise to a new cult, and even the restatement of the religion of Jesus must develop a new and appropriate [ Unison ] symbolism.
[ Eric ] Modern man must find some adequate symbolism for his new and expanding ideas, ideals, and loyalties. This enhanced symbol, must arise out of religious living and [ Unison ] spiritual experience.
[ Elder ] This higher symbolism, of a higher civilization, must be predicated on the concept of, the Fatherhood of God and be pregnant with the mighty ideal of the brotherhood of man." Pg.966
[ Lenny ] Today, with your help and that of a few seen and unseen friends, I hope we may be able to create some new and meaningful symbolism, while building on the legacy of old. What we are doing is providing our hearts and minds with touchstones. And if we do this right, with a sincere heart, open to accept the potential spiritual experience. Then these moments in time will remain with us always, as a link between who we are how and who we are to become. And when we agree to consecrate and affirm this event before God and the Heavenly host, then this that we do becomes very real and part of the Supreme.
[ Lenny ] At the conference at the Gilboa camp, between the apostles of Jesus and the apostles of John, their arose many difficulties to discuss and numerous problems to solve. Again and again would they take their troubles to Jesus, only to hear him say: [ Elder ] "I am concerned only with your personal and purely religious problems.... [ Norma ] But when you enter upon the co-ordination of divergent human interpretations of religious questions and upon the socialization of religion, you are destined to solve all such problems by your own decisions. [ Eric ] Albeit, I am ever sympathetic and always interested, and when you arrive at your conclusions touching these matters of nonspiritual import, provided you are all agreed, [ Unison ] then I pledge in advance my full approval and hearty co-operation." pg. 1624
[ Lenny ] Therefore, I now ask that we all come to agreement, solely for the purpose of this ceremony, to confirm and consecrate those individuals who will participate directly in this ceremony. In doing so, let us remember the promise of Michael our Creator Son, when he said, ...
[ Elder ] " you and your successors I now deliver the keys of the outward kingdom--the authority over things temporal--the social and economic features of this association of men and women as fellows of the kingdom." Pg.1747
[ Lenny ] And later on, where we read of his final admonitions and warnings...
[ Unison ] "Our kingdom is a realm of order, [ Norma ] and where two or more will creatures act in co-operation, [ Eric ] there is always provided the authority of leadership." Pg. 1959
[ Lenny ] For this to properly occur, we will also need your consent. We will ask for this consent, from our community of believers, to be given for the sole and express purpose of this ceremony only. If you agree, you who are seated before us, you who will also act as the witnesses to this ceremony, please confirm and consecrate these proceedings, by freely answering out-loud, when asked, the words, WE AFFIRM.
Consecration of the Elders
[ Lenny ] Do you, Norma, Eric and Susan, believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man?
[ Unison ] YES
[ Lenny ] Do you, Norma, Eric and Elder, freely agree, for the sole and express purpose of this ceremony to solemnly act as consecrated elders.
[ Unison ] YES [ Lenny ] Will the Witnesses, affirm this declaration?
[ The Assembly will answer in unison] WE AFFIRM
[ Elder ] Do you, Lenny, believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man?
[ Lenny ] YES
[ Norma ] Do you Lenny, freely agree, for the sole and express purpose of this ceremony to solemnly act as a consecrated elder.
[ Lenny ] YES [ Eric ] (while gesturing towards the audience of witnesses) Will the Witnesses, affirm this declaration ?
[ The assembly will answer in unison ] WE AFFIRM
Call Forth the Parents of the Children
[ Lenny ] Will the parents, of the Children, please stand.
Among you stand the mortal, spiritual guardians of the Children. We shall now witness their public declaration. If you are in agreement, when asked, please affirm your answers by saying in unison, the word, YES.
Re-Affirmation of the Parents
[ Eric ] Do you, the parents standing, believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man ?
[ Parents Answer ] YES
[ Norma ] Will you continue to provide the parental support and guidance, along with all the religious instructions necessary, to guide your child along the glorious path of God-consciousness ?
[ Parents Answer ] YES
[ Elder ] And now that they have attained the age of moral choice and can freely accept membership in the family of god on their own behalf, and as it is, their desire and free choice, will you accompany them, and stand beside them, here, before the community and affirm their baptism and membership into this community of Urantians?
[ Parents Answer ] YES
[ Lenny ] My friends, you have heard the questions asked and the affirmative answers given, now on behalf of our community will you accept and acknowledge these statements by answering out-loud and in unison, by saying WE AFFIRM..........
[ The Assembly will answer in unison] WE AFFIRM
The Blessing of the Baptism Water [ Lenny ] Thank you. Now in order to prepare for our Ceremony, may we be mindful of the words of the Master when he said,...
[ Elder ] "For, where two or three of you agree concerning any of these things,
[ Eric ] and ask of me, it shall be done for you...
[ Norma ] if your petition is not inconsistent with the will of my Father in heaven". Pg. 1763
[ Unison ] "And all this is ever true, for, where two or three believers are gathered together, there am I in the midst of them." Pg. 1763
[ Lenny ] For the singular purpose of this ceremony, I now asked our Urantian Choir of Elders, to symbolically act on behalf of the Mystery of the Trinity. Does the Choir of Elders agree?
[ Unison ] WE DO
[ Lenny ] In this jar, is water, spring time snow melt from our Rocky Mountains. With which I shall anoint the heads of each of the children before they pass through the arch. Elders, on behalf of the Mystery of the Trinity, I now ask that you give this water your blessing.
[ Eric ] While standing in the water before John the Baptist, ... Jesus whispered to John: "Bear with me now, for it becomes us to set this example for my brothers." Pg.1504 In the name of the Universal Father, this Water I Bless.
[ Elder ] John the Baptist said: "...while I baptize with water, there has been among us one who will return to baptize you with the Holy Spirit." In the name of the Eternal Son, this Water I Bless. Pg.1660
[ Norma ] In private conversation with Thomas, Jesus said "The new birth, the baptism of the spirit, is essential to deliverance from evil and necessary for entrance into the kingdom of heaven". Pg.1505 In the name of the Infinite Spirt, this Water I Bless.
[ Lenny ] The "birth" of religion is not sudden; it is rather a gradual emergence. Nevertheless, sooner or later there is a "birth day." You do not enter the kingdom of heaven unless you have been "born again"--born of the Spirit. Pg.1130
[ Elder ] "I declare that you must be reborn. You must start out afresh as little children and be willing to trust my teaching and believe in God" Pg.1576
[ Lenny ] Slowly the apostles and many of the disciples were learning the meaning of Jesus' early declaration :
[ Eric ] "Unless you are born again, born of the spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of God." Pg.1829
[ Lenny ] "Master, you say that we must become as little children before we can gain entrance to the Father's kingdom." Pg.1585
[ Norma ] "How long shall I bear with you! Ever you insist on making literal all that I teach.
[ Eric ] When I asked you to become as little children as the price of entering the kingdom, I referred not to ease of deception, mere willingness to believe, nor to quickness to trust pleasing strangers.
[ Elder ] What I did desire that you should gather from the illustration was the child-father relationship. You are the child, and it is your Father's kingdom you seek to enter. Pg.1585
[ Lenny ] And now you should give ear to my words lest you again make the mistake of hearing the Masters teaching with the mind while in your hearts you fail to comprehend the meaning. When, by living faith, you become divinely God-conscious, you are then born of the spirit as children of light and life. Pg.2052
[ Unison ] "I am the door, I am the new and living way, and whosoever wills may enter to embark upon the endless truth-search for eternal life." Pg.1829
The Ceremony
[ Lenny ] Will the children who wish to enter our community of Urantians, please step into the center aisle.
Before us stands an arch, let it represent for us, a physical representation of the gateway into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Susan and ??? , if you would please step into position.
Children, I now remind you, that what you are about to do, you do of your own free will. If it is your desire, to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Please step forward, one at a time, in single file, before Susan so that she may announce your name,
Step 1 - [ Susan will name the child ] Step 2 - [ ??? will lead the child over to Lenny ] Step 3 - [ Lenny, standing before the Arch, will anoint the child and send them through the Arch. And whisper saying;] "I baptize the In the name of the Father, the Son and the Mother Sprit, as you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and do honor to your gift from God by saying 選t is my will that your will be done.'" Step 4 - [ Norma, receive the child and say;] "Welcome to Kingdom of God" [ and send them to Eric ]
Step 5 - [ Eric, gives them a book and says;] "Freely you are given" [ and send them to Elder ]
Step 6 - [ Elder, receive the child and say;] "Go forth and proclaim the Good News. Now please go and stand with your Parents."
The Great Mystery
[ Lenny ] There are just a few more thoughts we would like to leave with you.
[ Eric ] I now ask that you think of your gift from God in a new way. As a new and very personal friend and life long companion. For now, thing of this gift as a personal representative from God who has volunteered to come live with you in the heart of your mind. Treat this gift as a new best friend in whom you can share all your hopes and dreams, your most precious secrets. When you are sad, talk freely to your Adjuster, tell all your troubles and fears to your Adjuster. Remember this gift is Heaven sent straight to you alone. Now you and God are directly related, forever connected.
[ Norma ] I now charge you with a new responsibility, and that is to practice talking to God as your new best friend. Do this everyday. When ever you want, as often as you want. Take time, to be alone, and talk with your new friend. And then, remember to take a little more time, to be quite inside, and listen. This may be difficult for you to do, and that is OK, because it is difficult for adults to do also. But we have had more practice and can help you if you ask. Ask your parents, they will instruct you.
[ Elder ] Next, we wish you remember that is very important for you to good children, who now how to play and have fun. This is very, very important. We, the adults here today need you to be good children. We find great joy in watching you play. We experience happiness is hearing your laughter. We grow very proud when you ask questions and learn and grow. Your happiness is very important to us because you remind us that we, just like each of you, is truly a child of God.
The Closing
[ Unison ]"These are our beloved children, whom in time, we are well pleased"
[ Lenny ] "And when you become so readjusted to life within yourself, you become likewise readjusted to the universe; you have been born again--born of the spirit--and henceforth will your whole life become one of victorious accomplishment. Arise, young people! Say farewell to the life of cringing fear and fleeing cowardice. Hasten back to duty and live your life in the flesh as a child of God, a mortal dedicated to the ennobling service to mankind on earth and destined to the superb and eternal service of God in eternity." Pg.1438
Lets give these children a round of applause.
Having discharged our duties, I now close this ceremony and I must say to the Elders, you have served us well, and are now discharged from your responsibilities with our profound thanks.
To the children, we welcome you into our family, you are now Urantians
To the assembled witnesses, God Bless you all.
[ Unison ] Amen!
[ Lenny ] Now, there is just one last task to perform, and to do this I need the assistance of a few of our new Urantians who will be passing around the collection plate. . [ The Song ]