1979 Report of the Committee on Education
The General Council of Urantia Brotherhood
Lynne B. Kulieke
The Committee on Education has been active this year in a variety of areas, from the very practical to the highly philosophical.
After nearly two years preparation, the Committee on Education realized the fruits of its labor, sponsoring a two day series of workshops at the 1978 General Conference held at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin last August. This series was repeated on the last two days of the conference with different leaders in order to provide maximum opportunity for experience and to allow more Urantia Book students to participate in the program. A questionnaire soliciting feedback on these workshops was subsequently mailed to all participants in preparation for the 1979 workshops. Response indicated a desire for a continuing program (with some changes); thus the Committee has devoted a great deal of time and energy in the last months to bringing about another study session which may fulfill this desire.
To carry out this project, the Committee on Education invited the help and contribution of the Special Projects Committee and, furthermore, sought the cooperation of the Fraternal Relations Committee, already engaged in tentative plans of its own, in preparation for a more complete program for the leadership of Urantia Brotherhood.
The Committee on Education, after much thought and discussion, also proposed two constitutional amendments regarding its name and part of its function to the Executive Committee for review and eventual presentation to the General Council, at this meeting or the next. The members of the Committee also prepared a small packet offering guidelines for study groups, to be available upon solicitation to Urantia Brotherhood.
Finally, the Committee has maintained a steady dialogue among its members and with others as to the evolving nature of its role in the movement. At all times we welcome input from interested individuals and groups of individuals. We are ever hopeful of coming to know personally more and more readers of The Urantia Book, through the workshops we sponsor, and through increased travel to other parts of the United States and the world.
I wish to extend my personal thanks to the members, Helen Carlson, John
Hales, Marjorie Reed, Charles Burton, and David Schlundt, for their dedicated
efforts and wonderful inspiration.
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship