A most important start in our International Area Coordinator Program has been made this last year. We are attempting to make even further inroads in this program. We now have approved 12 additional members, since our report last year, making a total of 15, and we are working to add additional ones this year.
We have also initiated a type of "adjunct" program to our Committee, called "Advisory Committee Members" since we feel our Committee of six, is just too small to do the work. We will be adding more "Advisory" members as time goes by.
Twelve of us made the trip to Finland last year for the chartering of the Finnish Urantia Society, going by way of London and Norway. It was a beautiful ceremony and we all enjoyed being there. On the way home we spent the night in London and met with two members of their Study Group.
The first of August I attended the Second Encounter near Paris, France. It was a great gathering of people from all over the planet, and each workshop was done in both French and English. This gives each time to think about what was discussed before the next point was made. It is a great privilege to attend this meeting.
Several of us attended the Chartering of the Couchiching Urantia Society of Ontario. It was very exciting having two International Societies chartered the same month, and the first in the history of our movement.
I recently returned from a trip to Europe, and while there visited with students of The Urantia Book in Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and Poland. Personal contact with our brothers and sisters is a very special experience!
The International Conference at Snowmass starting June 30-July 5, 1990, promises to be a very inspiring program. We anticipate having at least 1,000 present, perhaps more. This is a beautiful setting for a spiritual high!
It is truly a privilege to serve on this Committee. We have a great group, with much help from headquarters at 529 Wrightwood Avenue in Chicago, and each member of our Committee. Brent St. Denis resigned when he became Secretary of Fifth Epochal Fellowship, but he still works with us. It does become more and more obvious the importance of service and the abundant opportunities to practice "service" in our daily lives.
Warm Regards,
Berkeley Elliott, Chairperson International Fellowship Committee
Neil Francey
Douglas Fraser
James E. (J. J.) Johnson
John Hales
Advisory Committee Members:
Lyn Lear
Mary Snider
Brent St. Denis
A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship