To: A. M.
From: Luis Carlos Dolabella Chagas
Agent and Brazilian Representative of Urantia Foundation

Date: 06 Oct 1999

Dear A. M.:
You must know that the Urantia Foundation is the owner of all copyrights of The Urantia Book and the rights of divulging its contents, as well as the Urantia trade mark. This is the reason for my conduct for the past five years, working
on the translation into our language through the referred Foundation.

I want you to understand me when I make comments about  your proceeding to lend your name and your work to be used on an illegal website.  In informing you of these matters, I am carrying out my duty as the official representative of
the Foundation in this country.  I request that you give this serious consideration and at least ask for explanations from the Fellowship about why you should jeopardize your own safety by your illegal work.  If you need it, I can forward
you Urantia Foundation’s policies and administrative directives about the copyright and all publications.

The fact is that if Urantia Foundation presses legal action against the Fellowship, you would immediately and automatically be involved and the Fellowship has probably predetermined for you to become the most fragile part, to take the blame for their illegal activities in South America.  If I were you, I would be careful, just in case such a lawsuit happens. Defend yourself, my dear.

Urantia Foundation didn't allow me to give any of my writing to the Fellowship or anything of our translation work to be divulged in the Internet.  This is because the Foundation doesn't want to collaborate with fostering an illegal website -- illegal under all points of view, even the viewpoint of the Revelators.  The Foundation has clearly explained this to me.

So I began to consider that Brazilian readers would be sacrificed for the Fellowship’s illegal purposes and therefore I decided "to show my hand" to you by this message.

I hope this email has the finality of carrying out my complicated duty, which is of communicating to you all aspects of the irresponsiblity and Caligastian hurry of the Fellowship's website, and of the illegality of the way the Fellowship is proceeding, including not carrying out the requirements solicited by the Commission of Revelators from Orvonton.

If you change your mind we should think about or plan a way for the Foundation to take advantage of your work because there exists no satisfying agreement between the Fellowship and the Foundation which would make it legal or safe for you.


Luis Carlos Dolabella Chagas
Agent and Brazilian Representative of Urantia Foundation