P.O. Box 148068
Chicago, IL
60614‑8068 USA

(312) 327‑0424

November 9, 1989

Dear Reader of The Urantia Book:

As you may well know by now, on October 30, 1989 Urantia Foundation terminated the Confirmatory Agreement which authorized our organization, formerly called Urantia Brotherhood, to use the word Urantia and the Concentric Circles Symbol as part of its name identification. In addition, the Foundation terminated our lease at our 533 Diversey Parkway headquarters and cancelled the Sales Agency Agreement under which we operated as sales agent for The Urantia Book.

Urantia Foundation's claimed justification for these actions was apparently the decision made by the General Council at its September 16‑17, 1989 meeting " evaluate our organizational goals and plans and to institute such mea­sures as to affirm our existence as an independent, autonomous organization operating on the basis of group wisdom, and in keeping with our highest un­derstanding of the teachings of The Urantia Book." It is apparent from these severe actions taken by Urantia Foundation in response to this resolution that the trustees believe that its trademarks cannot be associated with any self-governing organization which has been established to function in accordance with group wisdom and accountability to its members.

Notwithstanding the far‑reaching consequences of these actions, the Executive Committee, in its determination to act in a manner consistent with the princi­ples stated in the General Council resolution, voted unanimously to change our organization's name and not to contest the Foundation's actions. Rather than risk further debilitating turmoil (organizational and/or legal), and in an ef­fort to avoid placing the marks or the copyright to The Urantia Book in jeop­ardy, the members of the Executive Committee agreed to continue on our chosen course as an organization dedicated to the study and dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book and to the service of the growing worldwide fel­lowship among readers. Here is what we plan to do:

1. The organization which was formerly known by the name Urantia Brotherhood will continue on as before, fully under the guidance of our constituted demo­cratic group process and committed to the goals, objectives, and activities already set in motion. Namely, we will hold the 1990 International Conference as planned in Snowmass in the summer of 1991; we will hold the Triennial Del­egate Assembly as scheduled in the summer of 1990; we will expand our work with study groups; and we will enhance our communications, coordination, char­tering, and fellowship functions.

2. We will be changing the name of our organization on a provisional basis immediately, and implement a plan to involve the entire membership in the final name selection. The name above, FIFTH EPOCHAL FELLOWSHIP, is our new operating name for the time being. We will contact you shortly to request your participation in the final choice of our new name.

Dedicated to the study and dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book, the fifth epochal revelation of truth

3. By the end of November, 1989, we will move into a new headquarters build­ing which we currently have under a purchase contract and which is located at 529 Wrightwood Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60614 USA three blocks south of our cur­rent location. It has approximately 3,000 square feet of usable space, is in move‑in condition, and is so located that we can retain our current telephone number (312/327‑0424), post office box address (P.O. Box 148068), and zip code (60614‑8068).

4. Members of what was formerly called Urantia Brotherhood are, of course, members of the FIFTH EPOCHAL FELLOWSHIP, unless they choose to formally re­sign. Appropriate membership credentials reflecting the name change will be issued as soon as possible.

5. Inasmuch as this is a name change only and the organization itself is on­going, the status of constituted societies remains unchanged under the new operating organizational name, FIFTH EPOCHAL FELLOWSHIP. Although societies exist as such by virtue of their organic, representational linkage and formal charter with our organization, they are licensed directly by Urantia Founda­tion to use the word Urantia and the Concentric Circles Symbol in their name. On November 1, 1989, Urantia Foundation trustees notified each of the soci­eties that in order to retain the use of the word Urantia and the Concentric Circles Symbol under the terms of the Licensing Agreement, they could not at the same time remain affiliated with our ongoing organization, now provision­ally renamed FIFTH EPOCHAL FELLOWSHIP. As far as our organization is con­cerned, each society will be considered to be in ongoing good standing as a part of our renamed organization unless its members formally cancel their af­filiation and return their charter. The FELLOWSHIP has no intention to re­quire the societies to change their constitutions (other than to reflect the former Urantia Brotherhood name change), their mode of operation, or even their current society name. Any changes that would need to be made would be as a result of demands made by Urantia Foundation as Licensor of the identify­ing marks or by the new organizational structure which will accompany the newly formed licensee of Urantia Foundation, Urantia Brotherhood Association.

Furthermore, in keeping with our desire to be an open, inclusive fellowship of readers of The Urantia Book, we would welcome the continued membership in FIFTH EPOCHAL FELLOWSHIP of anyone who may choose to affiliate with this newly formed Urantia Brotherhood Association.

6. On November 18, 1989, beginning at 1:00 pm, there will be an Advisory Meeting hosted by the Executive Committee at Nordic Hills, Itasca, Illinois to discuss these changes with members of the General Council and representatives of each current and prospective society. More information on this meeting will be forthcoming shortly.

The Urantia Book suggests that faith has the power to enable conflict to re­sult in growth rather than in disintegration. We are certain that our deci­sions and actions, based on our deepening commitment to live more fully by the high principles of the teachings and patterns of The Urantia Book, have helped move us toward new levels of growth, unity, achievement, and excellence in our organizational activities. Though we have had our name taken from us, our or­ganization lives on and will become the basis for significant evolutionary growth in our abilities to achieve our purposes. We have truly set forth on a great adventure of faith more determined than ever to provide the planetary service we believe was intended by the Revelatory Commission: the evolution of a worldwide, self‑governing, and inclusive fellowship of religionists united by a common personal experience with our Universal Father, enlightened by the revelatory teachings of The Urantia Book, and bound together in an unselfish and common endeavor designed to provide the service to humankind as outlined in our constitution.

We need and want your continued material, mindal, and spiritual support in this rededication of our energies and resources to the achievement of the pur­poses for which our organization was originally established.

Yours in fellowship,

David Elders, John Hay, Lynne Kulieke, Marilynn Kulieke, Brent St. Denis