By Clyde Goodman
First, let us review some pertinent information from the Urantia Book
regarding its origin.
In the contacts made with the mortal beings of the material worlds, such as with the subject through whom these communications were transmitted, the midway creatures are always employed. They are an essential factor in such liaisons of the spiritual and the material levels. (p. 865) On many worlds the better adapted secondary midway creatures are able to attain varying degrees of contact with the Thought Adjusters of certain favorably constituted mortals through the skillful penetration of the minds of the latter's indwelling. (And it was by just such a fortuitous combination of cosmic adjustments that these revelations were materialized in the English language on Urantia.) Such potential contact mortals of the evolutionary worlds are mobilized in the numerous reserve corps, and it is, to a certain extent, through these small groups of forward-looking personalities that spiritual civilization is advanced and the Most Highs are able to rule in the kingdoms of men. The men and women of these reserve corps of destiny thus have various degrees of contact with their Adjusters through the intervening ministry of the midway creatures; but these same mortals are little known to their fellows except in those rare social emergencies and spiritual exigencies (crises) wherein these reserve personalities function for the prevention of the breakdown of evolutionary culture or the extinction of the light of living truth. On Urantia these reservists of destiny have seldom been emblazoned on the pages of human history. (p. 1258) The Adjuster of the human being through whom this communication is being made enjoys such a wide scope of activity chiefly because of this human's almost complete indifference to any outward manifestations of the Adjuster's inner presence; it is indeed fortunate that he remains consciously quite unconcerned about the entire procedure. He holds one of the highly experienced Adjusters of his day and generation, and yet his passive reaction to, and inactive concern toward, the phenomena associated with the presence in his mind of this versatile Adjuster is pronounced by the guardian of destiny to be a rare and fortuitous reaction. And all this constitutes a favorable co-ordination of influences, favorable both to the Adjuster in the higher sphere of action and to the human partner from the standpoints of health, efficiency, and tranquillity. (p. 1208) With the exception of less than a score of contact personalities, the members of the Reserve Corps of Destiny, this unique group are wholly unconscious of their preparation for possible function in certain planetary crises. These mortal reservists are chosen by the corps to which they are respectively attached and are likewise trained and rehearsed in the deep mind by the combined technique of Thought Adjuster and seraphic guardian ministry. Many times numerous other celestial personalities participate in this unconscious training, and in all this special preparation the Midwayers perform valuable and indispensable services. (p. 1257) I cannot, with exclusive spirit vision, perceive the building in which this narrative is being translated and recorded. A Divine Counselor from Uversa who chances to stand by my side perceives still less of these purely material creations. We discern how these material structures appear to you by viewing a spirit counterpart presented to our minds by one of our attending energy transformers. This material building is not exactly real to me, a spirit being, but it is, of course, very real and very serviceable to material mortals. (p. 498) Lets take inventory of that which has been disclosed to us and thereby pinpoint the usable "ingredients" that might be woven into a feasible "surmise" regarding the mechanics of the "origin" of the Book. We have mentioned in the above quotes, the following: a building, a human being, the subject through whom communications were transmitted, a highly experienced Adjuster, members of Reserve Corps of Destiny, better adapted secondary midway creatures, materialized in English language, narrative is being translated and recorded, contact personality, he remains consciously unconcerned, and, seraphic guardian ministry. Using this revealed information, I conjecture that the following could be a way the Book came into being. A male human being with an experienced Adjuster, knowing that he is a contact personality and a member of the Reserve Corps of Destiny, places himself in a certain building on a prearranged schedule. At this time, under the combined ministry of the seraphim and the Adjuster, the human subject falls into a deep sleep. On cue, the experienced Adjuster "steps aside," actually moving out of the mind of its indwelling, thereby clearing the channels for incoming communications. Now, under the skillful manipulations of an astute secondary midway creature, the message of the supernal personality then inditing the Paper is translated into the English language, is fed into the mind of the sleeping subject from whence it is manifested by vocal communication and recorded on paper by a secondary midway creature or [the] mortal. This is my idea as to how it could have been done. You might find it interesting to use the many "building blocks" given us in the Papers and formulate your own "origin" of the Urantia Book. As it is insignificant HOW Jesus bestowed himself on this planet, so it is unimportant HOW we received the Urantia Book. It is important that Jesus DID come to Urantia and that we DO have the Urantia Book. Clyde C. Goodman First Urantia Society of Oklahoma January 25, 1969 |