Letter from Terry Kruger to the Readership
November 18, 1999

Hello Urantians and Dale;

In your remarks, you lay out a perfectly good foundation for taking personal religious action, and then dismiss Harry's personal religious
action by attributing it to his "ego." Perhaps because there is a political dimension to this action, you relegate his personal religious

action to mere arrogance and the selfish use of force.

Not only are there many of us who support what Harry has done, but we also see his action as the inevitable and entirely appropriate consequence of genuine evangelism. I know Harry knows "what Jesus believed;" he has certainly "discovered Jesus' ideals"; and he has now taken a giant step in attempting to personally realize the Master's "exalted life purpose," by physically taking personal religious action to create another avenue, another possibility for the discovery and acceptance of an even more replete revelation of our Father.

In making the actual account of the life and teachings of Jesus available in a single volume, a bold and aggressive step to be sure, Harry has acted on his personal evangelistic purpose and understanding of the Father's Will. But it's hardly "stuffing it down their throat" as you say.
Obviously no one is forced to purchase, let alone read it against their will, just as Urantia Foundation does not force anyone to purchase or read
The Urantia Book because they publish it.

Anyone more than superficially aware of the Jesus of the Urantia Papers should have been amazed at reading your suggestion that "people on their own accord will find the word when they are self motivated to do so." So you would have men find got of there own "accord," whenever they got around to it. Why then would Jesus "commission" men to save other men? Jesus said: ""Go into all the world and preach the glad tidings of the kingdom. Liberate spiritual captives, comfort the oppressed, and minister to the afflicted. Freely you have received, freely give." Mankind does not ascend effortlessly in the universe; "neither does the Supreme evolve without purposeful and intelligent action." Creatures like us, "on their own accord," do not attain perfection by passively waiting for self motivation.

Such thinking might come from one who could receive a talent from his Lord, and when facing his accounting, say "Lord, I knew you and realized that you were a shrewd man, expecting gains where you had not personally labored; but I faithfully protected your truth from falling into
unfriendly and egotistical hands; I didn't put at risk anything which was intrusted to me. I safely hid your talent in my mind; here it is; you now
have what belongs to you."

Of course that doesn't wash with our Lord and Master; he expects us to grow in personal religious experience, most desirably through service to others; he commissions us-- each one of us-- to take his gospel to the ends of the earth. "...every one who hears this charge and sincerely executes his commission to represent me before men even as I have represented my Father to you, shall find an abundant entrance into my service and into the kingdom of the heavenly Father."

Harry is in a unique position to do that, and he has acted on his light of truth; but that does not abrogate any other person's personal religious
action, or mean Harry has made decisions for others. We have each freely received this gospel, and each of us can freely give the good news to all nations. Jesus said "Fear not the resistance of evil, for I am with you always, even to the end of the ages."

Is there some one you know of out there who can say with complete certainty that a "mandate"-- any mandate regarding the control of the
Fifth Epochal Revelation-- is authentic and correct as it was given, and meant to be followed by all who are moved to personal religious action? If not, the complete lack of verification for any such mandates is more than sufficient reason to dismiss them as tainted apocrypha. Those who
continually look outside of themselves to traditional authority to tell them what to do with their lives or their religion can never be certain of
the truth of things.

There was a very good reason for relegating human involvement in the birth of this revelation to the asking of a few questions; we've already seen the chaos and dissension created by other generations of men and women trying to interpret and follow supposed celestial apocrypha.

You state a person's "needs" are "ego centric;" originating I assume, in the realm of the ego. I wonder: did you determine the spiritual needs that
must arise in you--were just another reflection of your ego's needs? More importantly, how exactly did you perceive that Harry's spiritual needs
originated in his ego? I think anyone who takes the life and teachings of Jesus seriously, do indeed have a spiritual "need" to exercise personal
religious action; what's more, I believe the Master requires it of all his faith sons.

You also point out that "elections" are the right way to do even a wrong thing;  however the context refers to human government, not religious
actions. It's that old "laws of Caesar, laws of God" thing again; an important distinction to render unto, I hope you will agree. After all, it
was God who "elected" to give Harry-- and each of us-- the right to personal religious action; it was God who determined that the first
cardinal feature of the kingdom of heaven was the pre-eminence of the individual. On the other hand, it is currently five men, "elected" by no
one, who give themselves the authority to own and control the Fifth Epochal Revelation for the supposed benefit of the entire world.


To me, you lack a clear thinking comprehension of the way things work, coupled with what appears to be a total failure to understand what Jesus expects of his faith sons; this is further complicated by your assumption there is some fair "consensus" of an "existing base of readership" an evangel should consult before acting on the truth they have been freely given; all of which conspires to deliver the adventure of personal
religious experience stillborn.

I understand that Jesus possessed a "versatile and aggressive temperament." He was "bold and emphatic" in announcing that his
evangelistic "plan was world-wide, even universal." His public efforts were progressively more "aggressive" and even "pretentious." So too will
be the public efforts of his contemporary evangels, moved to personal religious action by the example of Jesus and the power of God in their
lives. And today we can bear witness to such an action, in the publication of the Master's life and teachings apart from the remainder of the Fifth
Epochal Revelation.

Paul too became an "aggressive and indomitable" proponent of the Master's Gospel, after he witnessed the consequences of Stephen's "extraordinary boldness in proclaiming his view of the new gospel" -- a direct result of his personal conversation with Jesus. Do you understand that we-- YOU and ME-- as individuals are thereby encouraged-- commissioned-- to "boldly proclaim" this gospel in the same manner? How then do you judge that those who have the courage to follow the Master's example and act on their personal religious insight, are somehow acting inappropriately?

Because five mortals claim the copyright of an epochal revelation, supported by "oral mandates," which they assume gives them "control and
authority" over how each of us may choose to disseminate it? That is the height of human arrogance;  and the followers of these surrogate leaders think they are employing a righteous democratic process by insisting those who desire to act on their personal religious experience, subject themselves to a "consensus" of "readers"  whose only qualifications are that they happen to belong to the IUA, and read the Urantia Papers.

"Do you not perceive that this gospel of the kingdom shall presently be proclaimed in all the world? How can you expect that all who will believe
the gospel shall be subject to your direction?"

Do the trustees and supporters of Urantia Foundation fear the possible jeopardy, or even the overthrow, of their traditional methods of legal
control and self-appointed authority if the book, Jesus-- A New Revelation should suddenly reinstate Jesus in the minds and souls of mortal men as the ideal of personal religious living"?

Indeed, the "social readjustments, the economic transformations, the moral rejuvenations, and the religious revisions of Christian civilization would be drastic and revolutionary if the living religion of Jesus should suddenly supplant the theologic religion about Jesus."

And those Urantians who continue to sedate themselves with the mantra of "Impatience is a spirit poison" would do well to wake up and see those events are a good thing, worth working for and achieving; NOW.

Some of you cannot understand why your fellow Urantians keep insisting the unresolved issues that separate us cannot just be left in the past as we attempt to find unity. They confidently dismiss the admonition that "unresolved conflicts destroy unity," with accusations we are "living in
the past." They cannot accept the necessity for any personal religious expression that runs counter to what Urantia Foundation has determined is
"safe" and acceptable dissemination.

Harry spoke for many of us when he asserted that Urantia Foundation's control over the fellowship of believers was "unjust." You men and women that are comfortable with, and confident in, Urantia Foundation's "authority" over the dissemination of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, deny
such "control" is unjust, because you welcome such control as "guidance," as Connie Green says, to "keep the book out of unfriendly and egotistical hands."

What we see then, are slurs against the motives of each new evangelist that arises. Some of you have already reasoned to believe a wealthy man is simply publishing the Life and Teachings of Jesus, as C. Green says, "to break the copyright for self-aggrandizement purposes," rather than
recognize his right to carry out his own personal religious action, that his primary motive could be to follow the example of Jesus by dedicating
everything he has to the bold and aggressive spread of his Life and Teachings.  And the litany grows with each new action: they must be doing
it to feed their ego; they want to take control of the Fifth Epochal Revelation; they want to break the copyright to make money; they want to
destroy the Foundation; and on and on.

Those evangels who have been on the other side of the several courtrooms Urantia Foundation has forced them into, provide powerful testament to the contrary. These people are not self-serving "egocentrics"; the entire life plan of these men and women furnishes positive proof they have unreservedly risked everything they have to spread the Gospel. And none of us should be dissuaded from our own personal commissions to evangelize by the litigious and fearful prohibitions used by the trustees against our personal religious expression.

For decades now, Urantia Foundation has used intimidation, lawyers, and millions of dollars to see to it that dissemination remains in the hands
of those they approve of. What a wonderful service they could provide if they would only turn their full attention to the principal objective of
their Declaration of Trust, and thereby free themselves from their illusions of legal control and authority over the dissemination of the
Fifth Epochal Revelation, demonstrating the faith it takes to let it unfold through the personal religious action of the various sons of God;
even as God intends.

Instead of repeating the mistake of suing another evangel of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, wouldn't it be incredible if the trustees treated
Jesus-- A New Revelation as a very important secondary work in the arsenal of Urantian evangels, a spiritual fruit produced from the expanding work of the faith sons of God, instead of reacting from the fearful and suspicious attitude of a relentlessly litigious, over-controlling
institution of authority.

All the greater the irony then, if the "over 900 members who are pledged to support the copyright and trademarks" (C. Green) held by the five men who wield them, approve of the Foundation continuing to spend its resources (and theirs?)  on yet another legal battle, eventually see their
millions ensuring that Harry's personal religious action is instrumental in defeating the abuse of the laws of Caesar to control the personal
religious action of those men and women the five trustees periodically determine are "egotistical" and "unfriendly" to the Revelation.

Some of you are among those The Urantia Book calls "timid, fearful, and hesitant individuals," those who willingly surrender their right to act
personally to the control and authority of the group: you "utterly surrender the right to participate in that most thrilling and inspiring of all possible human experiences: the personal quest for truth, the exhilaration of facing the perils of intellectual discovery, the determination to explore the realities of personal religious experience."

Clearly, we all differ in the degree of unification with the indwelling spirit of the Father, which results in the vastly different ideas we as
Urantians entertain as the truth of these events. But even so, ask yourself if you really "comprehend the glory, and grasp the grandeur," of
the life to which Jesus has called us. Will you go to your mortal dissolution refusing to understand the religion of the spirit means
"effort, struggle, conflict, faith, determination, love, loyalty, and progress, and that such a calling requires us to recognize that some of
our fellows are far more faith-adventurous than others, in their personal attempts at the establishment of our Father's kingdom in the hearts of

On page 2090, (196:1.3) where you asked us to read, the very next sentence is:  "Of all human knowledge, that which is of greatest value is to know the religious life of Jesus and how he lived it." Fear not that Harry's personal religious action will cause that very knowledge to be put into
the hands of many thousands of our spiritually hungry brothers and sisters. And, just like The Urantia Book occasionally might, some copies
may fall into "unfriendly and egotistical hands."

So what.

Some of us are unwilling to go forward into that "uncertain and troublous future of proclaiming the new truths of the religion of the spirit, the
kingdom of heaven in the hearts of men"; but there are many thousands--admittedly most of which are yet to come <wink> who will "pledge" to
follow the example of Jesus to use their right of personal religious action to boldly spread the Fifth Epochal Revelation, regardless of it's
form; and we intend to do this aggressively; and world-wide.

And I hope you will join me in trusting that the opinion I value above all others-- that of my Indwelling Spirit-- is in absolute consensus with me
on this. How about you?

In Eternal Brotherhood,

Terry Kruger