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Urantia Brotherhood President's letter to Robert Ewing regarding
difficulties with Robert Burton's attempts at organizational reform



May 5th, 1971

Mr. Robert Ewing, President
First Urantia Society of Houston
1131 Regal Street
Houston, Texas 77034

Dear Robert:

The following remarks are excerpts from the keynote address at the last Triennial Delegate Assembly, and they were given at that time because we were aware of several individuals who were displaying impatience and criticizing the Brotherhood and Foundation leaders for negligence or lack of aggressiveness.

“When the Prince finally arrived on Urantia progress was slow but there was progress for almost 300,000 years, and it would have continued and accelerated had not Caligastia joined Lucifer in one of the most devastating rebellions in our Local Universe.  Again the world reverted to primitive conditions, and again, spiritual darkness prevailed.  And the sad commentary about all this is that had Caligastia and Lucifer been patient, they would have received everything for which they claimed to rebel.”

“About 160,000 years after the rebellion Adam and Eve arrived on the planet.  The outlook for great strides in human development was bright.  Life carriers were not so concerned about some of the unfavorable outcomes of their experiment – especially those concerning disease – because they knew the infusion of the blood of the biologic uplifters would act as a vaccine or antibiotic toward many of the diseases.”

But we all know, Adam and Eve defaulted.  “Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia.  But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient.  Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test.  They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.  (P. 840).”

“Adam was confronted with a well-nigh hopeless task when, with his beautiful mate, he was transported from Jerusem to our dark and confused planet.  But had they been guided by the counsel of the Melchizedeks and their associates, and had they been more patient, they would have eventually met with success.”

“But now, as an additional aspect of compensation for al the world’s problems, we have a restatement of Jesus’ teachings with a cosmic setting inthis the Fifth Epochal Revelation.  The Urantia Book must be an essential part of the development of religion on our planet as well as a means of stimulating social and moral growth.  In addition, in its capacity of filling in many of the gaps in world knowledge, it becomes most exciting reading for those who have been searching for more truth.”

“We must remember several things:  1) This Urantia movement is not a temporary, spectacular flash that appears quickly in the panorama of history, and then subsides and is extinguished.  Rather, it is a long-range project that is designed to become part of the religious epoch that is characteristic of the post-bestowal Son Age.  2) The Midwayers have been waiting about 2,000 years to tell the story of the life of Jesus.  Let us hope that a little of their patience and forbearance may rub off upon us.  3) And we have been told that the Urantia Book is intended for a period in world history that is imminent, but not quite reached – yet a little while before the world is ready – when peace shall begin to come and a war-weary world will turn to the words of comfort and enlightenment as expressed by Jesus and recorded in the Urantia Book; when a craving for spiritual food will become the prevailing motive of many peoples and nations.”

The Contact Commissioners have received instructions about how to proceed and what cautions to exert.

Bob Burton has heard many of these as well as many other words of advice, but so far it appears that these have made no impression upon him and he prefers to feel that his opinions should supersede those of our superhuman directors.

Dr. Sadler and Bill Sadler both tried to get through to Bob but with no success.  He is now trying to make it appear that what he is doing is in keeping with the ideas of these two men.

It is true that Bob is an old-time Forum member and member of the General Council.  But there are a number of others who preceded him and have been closer to the activities of the Urantia movement than he, but they do not agree with his notions.  His own son, a long-time Forum member and also a member of the General Council, is definitely opposed to what Bob is doing.  There have been many individuals; some formerly members of the Forum and others who have more recently become part of the Urantia movement who have supported the leaders of the Foundation and Brotherhood and have also generously supported these organizations financially.  Many of them have tried to counsel Bob, but he listens to no one.

I cannot help but classify all disrupters in one category.  Some may be moved by sincere idealistic motives.  Others may have sinister motives.  The results are the same – a repetition of attempts to display impatience and consequently work at cross purposes to the instructions that we have received from those who wisdom and experience is so much more extensive than even the combined judgment of all humans involved in the Urantia movement.

This letter is written to al Urantia Societies at the suggestion of the Executive Committee so that all may have more information as well as counsel in forming attitudes and opinions about this problem.


Alvin l.  Kulieke, President

Urantia Brotherhood