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Consideration of Some Criticisms of The Urantia Book
by Dr. William S. Sadler

Criticisms answered in this document:

1. Theologians and the seminary professors will never endorse The Urantia Book.
2. The Urantia Book is a revival of Gnosticism.
3. There seems to be nothing new or original about the cosmology.
4. Urantia completely ignores the Biblical teachings about man.
5. Why shouldn't the person who put the Urantia Papers in written English be known?
6. There is no doctrine of sin in The Urantia Book. Neither is there a plan of salvation for lost man.
7. The goal of salvation represents a prolonged scheme of training and even then is indefinite and uncertain.
8. The loving, kind, and tolerant heavenly Father presented in The Urantia Book is not the God of Exodus who saves sinners.
9. The Urantia Book almost completely ignores the prophets of the Old Testament.
10. The Urantia Book is a commonplace hodgepodge of verbiage, just such as numerous automatic writers have produced.
11. The atonement has vanished in The Urantia Book. So has the majestic and jealous God who punishes his people when they go whoring after other gods.
12. While there are to be found some new ideas in The Urantia Book, there is not revealed any startling new institution.
13. The Urantia Book takes away the centrality of Christ in the Christian faith.
14.  As regards science, this book is dated. It presents a very good picture of the way we looked at the cosmos many years ago.
15.  The teachings of Jesus as presented in The Urantia Book can be found in a thousand different books, especially in writings prior to 1930.
16. The narrative of the earlier years of Jesus' life impressed me as being very ordinary, even sophomoric.
17. In my opinion The Urantia Book is a fraud -- a hoax. Those who perpetrated this book are criminals.
18. The Urantia Book contains no new and original concepts. There is really nothing new in its presentation of cosmology, philosophy and religion.

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