Letter from Meredith Sprunger to Dr. William S.
thanking him for visit and asking about
"The Mind at Mischief"
Grace United Church of Christ 307 Plymouth Street Culver, Indiana Meredith J. Sprunger, Minister May 1, 1958 Dr. William S. Sadler Dear Dr. Sadler: Thank you again for the fine time we had at your place Sunday. The men enjoyed it very much. Have just received a letter from a Dr. A.M. Hubbard asking about the Urantia Book. He received his information through members of the Sequoia Seminar. I thought you might be interested in the letter head on which the letter was written: THE COMMISSION FOR THE STUDY OF CREATIVE IMAGINATION
This is quite an imposing list of names. If people like this become interested in the Urantia Book, it would seem that the kind of solid foundations we are looking for are gradually being built. A question that comes in my mind after the Sunday's discussion is: What is your present reaction to the reference to the contact individual in the appendix of your book, "The Mind At Mischief?" I may have misquoted the title here, but you will know the reference I refer to. I was also wondering whether you were still skeptical of the Urantia Revelation when this was written? Best wishes to all. Cordially yours, Meredith |
A service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship