Vol 1, No 4

Weimers Return
From Africa

Summer Conference Details

Invitation to
Present at the Summer Conference

Pipeline of Light Update

Search for Atlantis/Eden Update

Annual Lithuanian Gathering Scheduled

Good News from
The Fellowship!

Take a Moment to Laugh

The Urantia Book
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163

"There is but one law to obey--that is the command to go forth proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. Be unafraid to preach the good news of eternal life to your fellows who languish in darkness and hunger for the light of truth. And I will go before you, even to the end." [ 192:2.11]

Weimers Return From Africa

Buck and Arlene Weimer have returned from their outreach trip to Africa. They visited with groups of readers and made numerous public presentations in Zambia and in South Africa.

Click here to read a
comprehensive report on this trip.


Summer Conference Details

Celestial Ministry: Seen and Unseen

This will be the topic of presentations given at the Fellowship' summer conference July 5 through 10, at Dominican University near Chicago, Ill.

Click here for more information
and a registration form

Invitation to Present at the Summer Conference


The Summer Study Session of the Urantia Book Fellowship will be held on the campus of the Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, from Wednesday, July 5th, through Monday, July 10th.  The workshops and associated plenary/worship services will be held between Friday morning, on the 7th, through approximately noon, on Sunday, July 9th.

Consider preparing and conducting
a workshop during that time!

The theme is "Celestial Ministry: Seen and Unseen".   We all enjoy the benefits of spirit agencies and persons that ensure we are never alone.  It is a subject worth highlighting; worth exploring further and studying. 

Please join us!

The workshop committee would like to put more "study" back into these summer sessions; to provide for a strong, basic educational grounding in the subject matter.  To do this is our principal aim. 

All topics must be based primarily on the Urantia BOOK.  For the sake of clarifying the scope and depth of each workshop to those who will attend this summer, any person interested in developing and presenting a workshop must submit a written description to include the following: 

1. The title of the workshop
2. Goal(s) of the workshop;
3. Materials to be used;
4. Overall description of the format/activity or activities of the workshop;
5. Should participants bring copies of The Urantia Book?
6. Brief autobiographical sketch
7. How many 2-hour time slots do you think you would need?

Written descriptions or profiles of your workshops should be emailed to any of the following persons:
Charles Olivea

Stephanie Shaefer

Nick Stefero

Barbara Newsom

The following list contains some suggested topics:

1. Adam & Eve
2. Adamic Sons & Daughters
3. Seraphic Planetary Government
4. Guardian Angels
5. Angels in one or more roles other than guardian angels, e.g., angels of health, records, progress, religion, industry, etc.
6. The Most Highs
7. United Midwayers of Urantia or a study of the Secondary ones apart from the Primary ones or vice-versa
8. Melchizedek administration and teaching
9. Machiventa Melchizedek
10. Planetary Prince of Urantia or Secondary Lanonandek administration more broadly
11. System Sovereigns or Primary Lanonandek Sons' administration
12. Life Carriers
13. Archangels
14. Thought Adjusters
15. Spirit of Truth
16. Local Universe Mother Spirit

Please consider doing a workshop.  To date (3/1/06), four persons have expressed an interest in the following:  Machiventa Melchizedek, Guardian Angels, Master Seraphim, and the topic of Destiny as it relates to the Session's theme.  Much is still wide open.  While the workshop committee is still in the process of fine-tuning the schedule for the two and one-half days of the study portion of the Summer program, we hope to include a wrap up at the end of each day to give greater clarity and coherency to work of the day.  It is the wish of the Education Committee that a participant from each workshop would give a short summary of an important lesson learned or something significant that was experienced during the course of their workshop.  Furthermore, we hope to have each presenter tie their particular topic to the Paradise Trinity of the Father, Son and Infinite Spirit to suggest a pattern in the universe of celestial service.

We look forword to seeing you this summer!

Pipeline of Light Update


During the month of March, the Pipeline of Light was able to place 107 books with readers and study group leaders in fifteen countries.

Copies of The Urantia Book were sent to five new countries this month: Croatia, Nicaragua, Panama, India, and Egypt.

Some of the most unusual opportunities to place Pipeline books come as a result of the work of JJ Johnson, who travels internationally as part of a special communications team supporting Secretary Of State trips abroad and domestically. JJ's constant travel provides him with an opportunity to place books in far-off locations such as Bishkek, Bahrain, the Korean port city of Pusan, and at American Embassies in Islamabad and Rangoon. It was during one of these trips that The Urantia Book was accepted into the Mubarek Public Library in Cairo,

Egypt. The book was placed in the library through the efforts of the concierge at JJ's hotel, who became enthused about The Urantia Book following conversations with JJ. The concierge, also a history major, ended up with personal copy of the revelation as well. Another journey, two more seeds planted!

If you find this work as exciting as we do, please consider supporting the Pipeline of Light. Donations can be made online:


Or by mail to:

The Fellowship
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163

Or by PayPal at: http://www.squarecircles.com

Search for Atlantis/Eden Update

Greetings Atlantis followers! Exciting things are happening on the Eden/Atlantis front, most of which cannot be publicly shared at this time except with investors and contributors. Please visit www.squarecircles.com for a brief description of the project and www.discoveryofatlantis.com for further details.


The goal of $20,000 to support the current phase of the mission has almost been reached, with approximately $19,310 either received or pledged so far. When the final $690 has come in, this fundraising effort will end but regular updates will be given as they are available.


Additional information can be found at http://squarecircles.com/edenproject/phasetwo.htm#revised There is a PAYPAL button for easy tax-deductible donations through Mind, Body and Spirit, Inc. (handled by Paula Sutton) as well as all the relevant addresses to send checks, and phone numbers. All who are involved in this fundraising are cc'd on the top of this post, and anyone with further questions is welcome contact them: Robert Sarmast: /Expedition Leader/



Good News from the Fellowship


Greetings Urantia Book readers,

The Urantia Book Fellowship has some great news and some bad news to tell you.

First of all, the good news. The Urantia Book Fellowship has *ALL* the funds we need for the whole year for all of the great projects scheduled for 2006. We are all so excited!

The bad news is that much of those funds are still out there in your pockets!

We appreciate the support we are receiving from many readers. If you have not made a contribution yet, you can go online at http://urantia-book.org/support.htm and donate to the general fund or the Pipeline of Light. It is easy and your efforts are deeply appreciated! The Fellowship depends on reader contributions.


The Finance Committee
Robert Burns - Chair
949 760-9335 ext 5303


Annual Lithuanian Gathering Scheduled

Dear David,
now I would like to tell you that we are planning our gathering in Moletai during the first Saturday and Sunday of June.
Since we hope that some new readers of the Urantia Book might be coming who have not yet covered the Urantia Book we have chosen a rather general theme of our gathering - PEACE, HARMONY IN LIFE - WHERE IS IT? But our discussions will be focused on some of the segments of The Urantia Book and our personal experiences with God.
The family of Violeta has bought an apartment in a brand new high-riser on the same street Sveta's appartment is, just opposite the huge building of the State Social Insurance Office SODRA, a tall white building. Violet's house is of red bricks. So we were having both a prayer service, moving-in party, and working out of the schedule of our gathering. Violeta's husband and daughter were away to another city, thus we were not interrupted during all the afternoon. But we did not manage yet to prapare the scedule until Violeta's husband and daughter arrived. We were throuh with just one quarter of the schedule. Thus, the remaining part must be prapared most likely after our Saturday service.
But we have decided that we shall start on the first Saturday of June at noon with my short introduction for some ten minutes followed by a short prayer service. Then, we shall have a common lunch contributed by all. This shall allow us to get acquaited with one onother so that there would be less tension when the discussions start. Lithuanians are ussually too shy to speak amongst strangers. This might help those who might be attending this type of the gathering for the first time get more relaxed and speak out their mind.
That is why it is preferable to have these discussions closer to life, to personal experiences rather than exclusively theoretical speculations of the provisions of The Urantia Book that might be too sophisticated to some of the participants. But of course with references to The Urantia Book while grounding one's personal experiences on the information from The Urantia Book.
I shall make a general introduction to the theme for some 30 minutes and then discussions will follow. Every speaker will be given the floor for 20 minutes, including the time for questions. I think it would be wonderful if you could speak during the first day while on the second day I think it would be wonderful if you made a 30-minute general introduction to futher discussions. If you have some idea as to what theme might be discussed on the secend day within the main theme of our convention you are welcome to propose it, and then we shall discuss it on Saturday as well. Only I would like to receive you suggestions by Friday. What do you think of this?
Peace be upon you.
With brotherly love,

Take a Moment to Laugh


A wealthy old lady decided to go on a photo safari in Africa. She took her faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day, the dachshund starts chasing butterflies and before long the dachshund discovers that he is lost. So, wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the obvious intention of having lunch. The dachshund thinks, "OK, I'm in deep trouble now! Then he noticed some bones on the ground close by, and immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the
approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap, the dachshund exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious leopard.

I wonder if there are any more around here." Hearing this, the leopard halts his attack in mid-stride, as a look of terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees. "Whew," says the leopard. "That was close. That dachshund nearly had me." Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So, off he goes. But the dachshund saw him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figured that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine."

Now the dachshund sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back, and thinks, "What am I going to do now?" But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet... and just when they get close enough to hear the dachshund says...................... "Where's that monkey? I sent him off half an hour ago to bring me another leopard!"