By Buck and Arlene Weimer
The time is upon us once again when most of the worlds' Christians celebrate the traditional birth of Jesus Christ. Just the thought of it is enough to generate a spectrum of mixed emotions. Many of us may find it necessary to brace ourselves against the crass commercialism stimulated by the infiltrating profit motive. There is always the rush and crush of those final days, and at least one week of recuperation. And still others can look forward to the reunions with loved ones -- for a chance to see and touch old friends -- while exchanging gifts. But does Christmas have a meaning in the universal scheme of things? How important is it? How would a Mighty Messenger report the spectacle of Christmas in relation to the Supreme?
A Mighty Messenger would broadcast the events of Christmas in relation to the Supreme because we are presently living in the Age of the Supreme -- from a universe viewpoint of time. This is another way of saying that God the Supreme will be born when the seven superuniverses are settled in light and life. The nutrition necessary in this fetal stage growth of the Supreme is garnished from the experiences of the creatures of time and space. The reward for all this is that the Supreme will become the Creator's first experiential deity; which is to be a complement to the trinity of existential deity. Then there is God the Ultimate -- but that is another story.
What does all of this mean to you and me? It means that each one of us plays a small part in determining the events of destiny. As a citizen of the cosmos, it means that every decisions we make either hastens or impedes the growth of the unborn Supreme. As a citizen of Urantia, it means that the fruits we bear from improved ethical and moral conduct then become the substance of the Supreme -- "The act is ours, the consequences God's."
The necessary role mortals play in the growth of the Supreme can be more clearly understood as it pertains to the brotherhood of man. If we can discover the Father in our hearts, a Mighty messenger tells us in Paper 117, we must search for the Supreme in the hearts of others (i.e. the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.) Each time we understand, tolerate, befriend, or love another person we add to the growth of the Supreme -- and of course, our own growth.
From a sociological framework, the brotherhood of man is achieved when two, three, or more personalities come together motivated to do good. To be more specific, it is the morality of interpersonal relationships that determines our role in co-creating destiny with the Supreme. We simply have to interact positively and morally with the persons with whom we come into contact in our daily lives. It is so easy! To understand and actually interact with other persons in a moral and positive way is the foundation of a cosmic citizen's duty; a recognized duty to the brotherhood of man and the growth of the Supreme.
But to get back to our original idea -- how does this relate to Christmas? Tens of millions of Christians on that one day allow themselves the liberty to mightily experience "peace on earth and good will toward men." Christmas day can give us a glimpse of the realities of light and life -- as our families, neighbors, and communities attempt to consciously fulfill their duty of goodwill toward all men. What a great growth spurt must the Supreme experience from the energies of Urantia 606 on December 25th; a day when so many personalities are actively involved in a moral and loving way with other personalities. And, it may sound worn, but what greater good could we do ourselves, our brothers and sisters, and the Supreme than to experience the brotherhood of man each day of the year?
IC08 has some great things are in store for family members of all ages!
On Tuesday, July 1, 2008, the TruthSeekers (ages 14-19) will board a flying catamaran in the Pacific ocean. Destination? The mysterious island of Cat (or as known in Celtic mythology as "Katte"). In the old days it was said that the only way to reach the island of Katte was with the assistance of a Druid, while holding your thumb and forefinger to the light and seeing the island that forms between them when they are close together.
From this perspective you are now ready to embark upon a life changing journey that will lead you to amazing adventures, thrilling delights, dastardly dangers, and mysterious moments. The TruthSeekers will explore a dark and haunted sea cavern where a portal opens from another dimension. Legend describes this cave as being inhabited by a race of sinister characters. (Tom Choquette, one of the enthusiastic group leaders, wrote this, as you probably can tell.)
This is an invitation for all TruthSeekers to come play, learn, and live with other TruthSeekers on an island in the Pacific. The adventure will include hiking, campfires, camping, snorkeling, sea kayaking, sailing, swimming, cavern exploration, singing, stargazing without the distraction of city lights, and much more.
Tents and cots will be provided; attendees only need to bring a sleeping bag and pillow. Anyone attending is encouraged to bring a musical instrument. The number of TruthSeekers that can attend this event is limited to 40 so early registration is a must.
A limited number of full and partial scholarships may be made available. It is desired that all sincere TruthSeekers be able to participate.
The cost of the trip is $590.00 USD.
Reservations may be made on the IC08 online registration form.
Additional information about this excursion
IC08 registration options and costs
Registration for IC08 has begun! All registration for this conference will be done online. Why online? Online registration greatly reduces the workload for our limited administrative staff. Typos and errors resulting from sometimes difficult-to-read hand-written registration forms are eliminated. Here are some other important reasons:
Early Bird rates are now in effect. Your costs will rise substantially as the conference date approaches so register now. Note that all open accounts will be charged their remaining balances after ninety days.
Registration information and prices
by Thomas Orjala, Chair of the Fellowship's Outreach Committee
IC08 is coming, and the Outreach Committee is are looking for pictures, video and stories reflecting your work in any and all arenas of public service. The materials will be used as part of a video presentation at the plenaries and possibly in workshops relating to service in the Urantia community.
Examples include, but are by no means limited to: community outreach projects, study group and society endeavors, personal work in the community, over the net, in jails, soup kitchens, churches, through education, writing, art, and so forth.
Video format on a DVD would be the best, but you can also send footage and pictures via snail mail or e-mail to:
Please include a description of the work depicted if you are sending video or photos. Three or four sentences should be sufficient for us to get started – we will contact you if we need further information.
Let us know if you wish us to return your materials.
We will be doing our editing over the winter months, so, materials received soonest will have the best chance of being used. Please be aware that we may not be able to utilize everything we receive.
Thank you for taking the time to help our community see how we shine and share the great truths of the Urantia revelation.
Intrepid Urantian, Saskia Raevouri, recently had a computer disaster which resulted in the loss of her email list. If you want to be on her list, please send her a note at Saskia provides one of the best services available to the readership for keeping up-to-date on community events. Visit her Square Circles website.
In its most simple form, an Endowment Fund is utilized when a person (during his lifetime or at death) gives cash or other valuable property to some not-for-profit organization. Normally, these assets can never be spent, only invested. Consequently, a responsible person or organization usually assumes custody of these assets. Only the income (dividends, interest, etc.) is made available to the beneficiary organization. Such a trustee is legally bound to follow the donor’s wishes as to the distribution of the income and the protection of the assets. The tax laws of the United States are crafted to encourage the relatively wealthy to make such gifts and bequests. There are many more complex arrangements available in this area.
We may not be especially wealthy by current standards, but all of us are blessed to have encountered the exceptional phenomena of The Urantia Book here in our lifetime on this planet. We have been spiritually uplifted and sustained by the information and assurances it contains. As we make preparations to leave this plane and embark on our universe career, we will naturally wish to provide for our descendents. However, there may be a part of what we leave behind that can perpetually sustain the growth and success of “our revelation.” It may not seem like much, but when combined with similar bequests, the effect can be of significant eternal value. In addition, there may be very attractive economic benefits to such “estate planning” activity in the here and now.
During the last few years, a few determined and dedicated individuals have felt moved to insure the future of our beloved Urantia Book. The work of these self-motivated organizers has resulted in the formation of two complementary long-range fund raising efforts: The Urantia Community Endowment Fund and The Foxhall Endowment Fund.
The Urantia Community Endowment Fund, working in association with the Nevada Community Foundation as its trustee, has been established for the primary purpose of accepting bequests and contributions for one or more of the three major organizations: The Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Book Fellowship, and Urantia Association International. The income flowing to these beneficiaries may be divided in any manner that the donor stipulates. Each organization will have direct access and control over the funds which have been donated to it. Contributions may also be made to any other non-profit organization or cause, which allows contributors to allocate their assets as flexibly as they wish.
The Foxhall Endowment Fund, through the auspices of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, will also accept bequests for the three organizations. However, the Foxhall Fund’s primary purpose is to allow a contributor to name any non-for-profit organization that is deemed to be furthering the dissemination and/or application of the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation. In addition, rather than name a specific institution, a contributor may simply designate a certain activity, such as translations or library placement or various service projects. A board of directors, assisted by advisors and donors, will insure that all future income payments are used in the best manner possible by the most appropriate group. All distributions by either of the Funds must be made to not-for-profit organizations.
It should be stressed that these two Endowment Funds are not in competition with each other. They are complementary and co-operative. They are designed to allow the average person to employ a vehicle that combines his contributions with others to achieve effective long-term support. As the endowments grow, continuity is established that supersedes organizations, individuals and changing conditions.
For more information on either of these funds:
The Urantia Community Endowment Fund
Contact Gard Jameson at
Marvin Gawryn at (206) 795-3190 or
The Foxhall Endowment Fund
Contact Larry Geis at (707) 235-0517 or
Susan Cook at
Ken Raveill at (866) 510-2286 (toll-free) or
JJ is to be heartily commended for this labor love. His book is a unique reference work for reading The Urantia Book. It is organized around several chapter headings, but the longest chapter is chapter 6 which functions as a kind of topical reference for a variety of subjects found in The Urantia Book. About 90% of the content is quotes from The Urantia Book. Another helpful resource is JJ's use of page references from both the Foundation and Uversa Press editions of the book. These make cross checking and locating passages very, very easy.
The book promotes the core evangelistic message contained in The Urantia Book. Kindred spirits will be attracted to the "Wake Up Call" in Part I. Part II relates specific passages to key concepts within the book. JJ's "Up Close and Personal" is a very good aid for personal study of The Urantia Book. Available from
Published by David Kantor for The Urantia Book Fellowship
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