Not only has the ship steamed out of the harbor,
it's time for everyone to help unfurl the sails!

Top Leaders of UAI, Urantia Foundation, and
the Urantia Book Fellowship
to Discuss
Collaborative Revelation
Service Efforts
at IC08
The Urantia movement is entering a new era of cooperative dissemination projects and supportive relationships. In July, at IC08, Fellowship President Robert Burns and Executive Director Paula Thompson will join Foundation President Seppo Kanerva and Trustee Mo Siegel, UAI President Gaetan Charland and Executive Director James Woodward, to review the progress over the past year of important developments in inter-organizational cooperation, and to share their respective visions for continuing collaboration in the unfolding global mission of the Urantia revelation.
Marvin Gawryn, appointed by the Fellowship's Executive Committee to be the liaison person for inter-organizational relationships, will moderate an interactive session at IC08 which will include panelists' responses to questions from the audience.
In addition, there will be a Study Group Booth on July 2nd and 3rd at the conference. Rick Lyon, UAI's Study Group Committee Chair, will be working at the booth with Aurora Hill of The Fellowship’s Outreach Committee. They will combine their efforts to indentify existing study groups and create new ones.
The Standard Reference Text Committee is tasked with establishing a standard text to be used for all English language editions of the Urantia Book. Members will be meeting for the entirety of one of the IC08 conference in an attempt to complete the tasks they have been working on over the past year of collaborative effort. This committee is comprised equally of Urantia Foundation and Urantia Book Fellowship members.
The executive leadership of the Urantia Book Fellowship, Urantia Foundation, and Urantia Association International will meet in a closed session on Friday evening, July 4th to explore a wide range of additional potentials for collaborative service. This meeting will be the second such gathering of inter-organizational leadership in the past year.
Yes! Lots of exciting things are happening! This is going to be a paradigm shifting conference; don't miss this opportunity to participate in the planning of the inter-organizational trajectory for the next decade.
Join your family of concerned revelation disseminators in Los Angeles the week of July 4th. Register ASAP so that we can plan for your accomodations.
Help us unfurl the sails of TMS Urantia!!!
$125.00 is all it takes to secure your registration.
Use the link below page to
go directly to the online registration form.