IC08 Programs for Children & Families
Our Children are Precious, therefore this year at IC08 we are focusing on children and service. Here are some of the structured activities we have for youth at IC08.
Godly Play
Godly Play is an approach to spiritual development and education that provides a wonderful way to share the stories of our faith in ways that allow us to enter the stories "as little children" and discover the riches that are waiting there for all of us. The goal of Godly Play is to teach children parables and stories from the Urantia Book in ways that help them come close to God on their own terms. Godly play will be offered in the Jerusalem Market Place. |
The Jerusalem Marketplace
The Jerusalem Marketplace will be one floor below in the same building as all of the workshops. Wendy Anderson will be heading this up again and has a fun yet structured plan in place. Wendy is committed to the children and is working to make the Jerusalem Marketplace a memorable experience for everyone involved. The children will enjoy replicating the days of Jesus. They will also be learning a song for the Youth Plenary on Saturday, taught by Pato Banton and on Thursday evening there will be a special ceremony to celebrate the arrival of the Thought Adjusters for children ages 5 to 7. It is a quiet, simple celebration with prayer and lighting of candles.
The Tweens Program
The Tweens will find that service and technology unite in a rewarding experience at IC08. The Tweens Program coordinators; Nathan Clukey, Victoria Clark, Bill Rocap, Pradhana Fuchs, and John & Elizabeth Callahan will help the kids to assist workshop leaders with audio/visual equipment, workshop filming, downloading film to computers and acting as personal assistants for the younger children's program. Since everything is happening in the same building and workshops are located only steps away from one another on the third floor of Covel Commons it will fun and safe for the tweens to serve in this way. The tweens will also enjoy their own room, stocked with the latest video game technology, on the second floor next to the Jerusalem Marketplace. They will be able to participate in Saturday's Youth Plenary if they wish and may join any other event in the Jerusalem Marketplace schedule. |
And a Program for Parents

ARK for Parents supplies materials and instructions on how to run a parenting group. ARK (Adults Relating to Kids) was not written by a UB reader, but it is consistent with many of the parenting principles found there. ARK provides ways to be sure your child feels loved and explains how filling a child’s unmet needs will often extinguish problem behavior. Parents will learn how to discipline with firmness and love, so that children learn to take responsibility for their choices and actions. ARK materials will help parents with their own families, and leading an ARK group can serve as a wonderful service to other parents as well. Kaye Cooper will explain the program in an evening session.
For more information visit the ARK website at http://www.childrenscenter.com/home/home_guest.jsp
Important Note
Because of a delayed mailing of the Fellowship newsletter,
the Mighty Messenger, registration discounts have been
extended until June 1. Don't delay!