Books to Africa

The Weimer's 16-day outreach
tour of Africa began this week with their
departure for Lusaka ,
Zambia , on February 23. Their
visit to Zambia has
been coordinated by Chita Nonde and Namukale
Kaliwanda. The tour will begin with a
reader conference at the Savoy Hotel in Ndola
. Their work in Zambia will include
presentations at a Mennonite Mission and Seminary, a
presentation for the Ndola Ecumenical Foundation, a
program for children between third and sixth grades at a
community school in Ndola , and a number of public
presentations at public libraries in Ndola , Livingston
, and other cities.
From Zambia they will travel to
South Africa , meeting
with readers in Johannesburg and
Capetown. In Capetown they will be
meeting with the Archbishop of the Anglican Church who
is an avid reader and will be hosting a gathering of
local readers.
Buck writes
on February 28:
we go in Zambia ,
we see these very large footprints that say: NORMAN
INGRAM WAS HERE! We couldn't have
done this without Norman 's groundwork.
After 3 extremely full days (Urantia Book
outreach, Children's' school, and AIDS hospice) we
leave very early in the morning for Livingstone. We
literally fall into bed at night completely
Buck and
Arlene are in contact via
email. If you wish to contact
them they can be reached at weimer1@hotmail.com.

Zambia and
adjacent countries
A Note from Nigeria
Sometimes a
great deal of information can be inferred from a simple
message such as the following, received this week from a
recipient of a Pipeline book:
write to express my sincere gratitude for the copy of
The Urantia Book that you sent to me. It finally
arrived last month (January). Thanks and God
bless you and those you work with."
Harcourt , Nigeria
News from Pakistan
 Pakistani readers
continue to help with earthquake relief efforts.
Here Nadia works on removing snow from a tent in a
mountain village where she has a study
Nadia, the young
woman from Islamabad who is
our liason with readers in Pakistan writes:
"I just returned from my village tour where I presented
some new lessons. On February 8th I received the copies of
The Urantia Book that you sent. I also received the three
Paramonies which were sent by Paula. I send my thanks to all
of you.
"We are having lots of problems in my country because of
the many protests and rallies every day against blasphemous
cartoons. It is very difficult here for Christians. Muslim
fundamentalists are burning Christian churches -- they burn
Christian people's houses, schools, colleges, cars, and rape
the women.
"They have damaged many Christian villages by their
burning. It is dangerous for us. Three weeks ago I stopped
my weekly Urantia Book study group. We all are very upset by
this but we cannot risk having study groups at anyone's
home. Everyone is scared but everyday I have our family
study group in our home.
"The place where I am living is a place surrounded by
Muslim community. They talk a lot of rubbish about what we
are doing at our study group every week. So we should be
careful and stop doing this in our area. We are planning to
rent a safe place which is surrounded by Christian
"We all have a request that we all really want to have
Urantia Book in our language. Then it will be very easy to
spread the UB in my country. It is my high request to do
something for the Translation. Lots of friends, to whom I am
introducing this fifth epocal revelation of truth are
requesting UB with "Urdu Translation."
"We are still busy with the earthquake relief work and I
am really thankful to my Urantia Book reader friends in the
US who really helped and co-operated with our country
Ken Raveill's study group in Independence Missouri serves
as a liason with the readers in Pakistan. If you would like more
information or would like to contribute directly to the work
in Pakistan, contact Ken
Raveill at kkraveill@cs.com. North
American Urantia Book readers have contributed more than
$7,000 for earthquake relief efforts undertaken by the Islamabad readers.
in Central
Agustin Arellano
reports the following study groups are currently active in
Central America :
Andon, Zona 1, Guatemala
Fonta, zona 7, Guatemala
Onagar, Zona 1, Guatemala
Onamonalontón, Salamá
Orlandof, Ciudad de Belice
El Salvador Grupo Uversa,
Barrio San JacintoGrupo Malavatia Grupo
Norlatiadec Grupo Salvington
Honduras Grupo
Maquiventa, Tegucigalpa Grupo Mantutia, El
Paraíso Grupo Manovandet, Copán Grupo Splandón, San Pedro Sula
Nicaragua Grupo Nebadón,
Managua Grupo
In Costa Rica Grupo Jerusem,
Nicaragua Grupo Nebadón,
Managua Grupo
In Costa Rica Grupo Jerusem,
Cartago Grupo Micaeilu, Santa
Ana, San José Grupo Susatia Grupo
Univitatia Grupo Salvington Grupo Norlatiadek, Bello
Horizonte, Escazú Grupo Melquisedec, Puntarenas Grupo Fandor,
Cartago Grupo Triunidad, Puntarenas
In Panamá Grupo Porshunda,
Agustin went to Central America for the first time
to visit study groups in 1992. He then returned
every year through 2006. So the above represents the fruits of
14 years of work and follow up. Bear in
mind that this is only Central
America . Agustin has also been
active during this period of time with the formation and
fostering of study groups throughout Mexico and in many Latin American
Countries. A group of readers from one of his groups in Mexico has made several missionary
trips to Cuba where there are number of
active study groups which they continue to
Costa Rica Conference
Raphael Arias Rojas writes that the January 21 conference held
in San Jose, Costa Rica, was
a great success with attendees very involved in the
various study sessions. Topics for study were "An
Exploration of the Urantian Paradigm of Spirituality" by David
Kantor and additional topics prepared by local readers --
"The Morontia Life," "The Post-bestowal Age on Urantia," "The
Angels," and "Love, Beauty, and Goodness."

A conference study session |

The youngest Urantian in Costa
Rica? |
Dr. Rajan Chauhan
and his wife Ivy are long-time readers of the book as well as
leaders of the readership in Jabalpur , India .
He writes;
"Please pray for
me. I have become well-known enough as a
teacher of a spiritual path that some notorious people do
antipropaganda against me. It is very difficult
here. We have added a room onto our house
for Urantia meetings to accomodate the 25 to 30 people who
attend regularly. I am writing a book on
Christian Spiritual Psychotherapies which are used inside
and outside of India
. Please pray for my success in this
writing. It would be wonderful if you
could send us five copies of The Urantia Book by registered
post for use in our teaching. Also, if
you can, please send used clothing which we could distribute
in our village."
This week we will
be sending them some books from the Pipeline of Light
project. Clothing is being sent as a private reader
project. |