Yahoo! Mail Print - Close Window Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 08:06:39 -0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) From: "Larry Watkins" To: "David Kantor" Subject: Archive P.S. Hi David, You might want to include the address again to the portion of the archive that has been cataloged so that people can take another look -- and mention that that's the portion containing the 900 read and cataloged documents and that the portion containing the full on-line version is published only to the catalogers so that they have the opportunity to determine after reading a document whether it should be made available at this time or not. There's also the high resolution scan portion of the archive that is unavailable to the internet and it currently contains about 11,500 documents. We'd also like to have people check out their entry in the Author Biographical Sketches section and provide whatever info they can about themselves or anyone else they know about that can flesh out these entries -- it's intended to be a historical snapshot of everyone in the archive that could be of meaning to researchers 100 years from now. Thanks, and best wishes Larry.