RMSF Potluck Dinner at the University of Colorado Fiske Planetarium
An exciting and enjoyable social meeting took place on April 14th, in Boulder,
CO with the Executive Committee of the Fellowship and the all the Foundation
Trustees, Associate Trustees and Trustees Emeritus, along with the readers in
the Denver/Boulder area.
The opportunity became available when the Fellowship's EC was invited by the
Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship to a large social event at the University
of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium to meet and socialize with local readers during our
quarterly executive meeting. Urantia Foundation Trustees and Associate Trustees
were meeting at Mo Siegel's home on the same weekend. For the first time in
many years the Trustees and Executive Committee members were able to socialize together with
readers. Food and refreshments were served just outside the Planetarium with
close to 200 in attendance. A private presentation by RMSF members in the Planetarium
showed where we reside within the Milky Way Galaxy.
Nearly 200 readers attended the gathering.
Before the Planetarium presentation began, Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship president, Lenny Cowles, introduced Robert Burns, president of The Urantia Book Fellowship, and Seppo
Kanerva, president of Urantia Foundation. Robert then introduced Patricia
Mundelius, Trustee Emeritus and granddaughter of Dr. William S. Sadler and
daughter of Bill Sadler, Jr. Later in the evening a more private social took
place at Mo and Jennifer Siegel's home for the members of the Fellowship's Executive Committee and Urantia Foundation's Trustees and Associates. This gave all a
chance to renew old acquaintances and meet new members in the context of preparing to discuss a variety of possible cooperative and joint projects between the two organizations.
Urantia Foundation trustee, Mo Siegel, left, addresses
The Fellowship Executive Committee. Urantia Foundation
president, Seppo Kanerva, right, flew in from Finland.
Seppo Kanerva requested that the Fellowship submit ideas for cooperative work. The Executive Committee is actively working through ideas that we will present soon, as well as projects that would be probable in the future. Stay tuned.
The Fellowship's Executive Committee in session,
Boulder, April 2007
We all have an infinitely rich Father, in whom there is no limit to that which
is good, true or beautiful. Nothing is denied us when our will is aligned with
Divine Will. There is no limit to mercy if we have but even a remote chance of
accepting such grace. Nor does our Father limit what we can
accomplish in pursuit of our Eternal destination. In partnership with God, all
things are possible. Our only real limitation is in our inability to conceive what is possible, or to have the faith required for its attainment. Let us
all dream big for the revelation to our planet, let's have the faith of the
Sons of God that we are, and the determination to individually and collectively
do our Father's Will.
It is an honor to be of service to you all,
Robert Burns
President, The Urantia Book Fellowship
Join us for the Fellowship Summer Study Session 2007, “Cosmic Citizenship,” at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago, from 9:00 AM Friday, July 20 through noon on Sunday, July 22.
The accommodations are air-conditioned, and the beautiful campus easily is reached from O’Hare airport. Registration for conference attendees will begin at 3:00 PM on Thursday, July 19.
In addition to the conference itself, the Triennial Delegate Assembly will meet on Thursday, July 19, at 9:00 AM, and the General Council meeting will begin following lunch on Sunday. Gard Jameson will host an all-day spiritual retreat beginning at 8:00 AM on Thursday. It will conclude with a morning meditation on Friday. Please note that participants in the Triennial Delegate Assembly or the retreat will need to include room reservations for Wednesday night in their plans.
If you have further questions, call the Fellowship office toll-free at 877-288-3772 or e-mail us at
2008 Fellowship International Conference
The Thrill of Loving Service
“If you would share the Master's joy, you must share his love. And to share his
love means that you have shared his service. Such an experience of love does not
deliver you from the difficulties of this world; it does not create a new world,
but it most certainly does make the old world new.” P.1945 - §2/ 180:1.5.
Come and let us make this old world new and find the “Thrill of Loving Service”
in our own lives. Would you consider studying and experiencing the topic of “Service” for a workshop at the upcoming 2008 International Conference?
For more information visit the conference website
Want to help? Email
Service starts now.