The approximately monthly newsletter from urantia-book.org

Bouguereau: Madonna of the Roses |
A Christmas Contemplation
"As a child he came to us, born of the womb of infinity, wrapped in the swadling clothes of time and space. The sovereign of stars and smouldering suns he was -- his hands had held the very planets in their paths!
"His fingers formed our glowing galaxy; he sprinkled the blackened sky with glistening beads of liquid light and hung the midnight with a thousand diamond constellations, all linked like necklaces across a jeweler's velvet cloth.
"As a child he came to us, born much as each of us is born; but living as few have dared to even try. In Jesus humankind caught a glimpse of God as neither prior nor since -- and we have not forgotten it; the world can never be the same again, for we have seen what God is, and have seen what we can be."
. . . from "The Galilean" by Vern Bennom Grimsley

When I first learned August 21st--not December 25th--was Jesus' birthday, was Christmas, I felt a void, like something had been taken away. I analyzed the origin of Christmas--did my homework and put together as best I could: What is Christmas?
December 25th was a high and holy day in the Roman Empire before Jesus was born. December 25th was a holy day in Mithraism, which was an off-shoot of Zoroastrianism, a masculine religion for men only--very popular with the Roman Legions.
What Christmas
Means to Me
by William S. Sadler, Jr.
Transcribed from a recording made at the home of Berkeley Elliott
Oklahoma City, April 15, 1962
Christmas also incorporates something of the Roman blowout at the end of the year, the socalled "Saturnalia", when everybody had a reversal of roles--bosses waited on the employees and masters waited on the slaves. It was a time of lavishness.
Christmas incorporated the Teutonic legend of the hero who needs help in his mission--perhaps the slaying of a dragon; the liberation of a princess; going on a crusade--and something impels him to go out in the forest and there under a lofty fir tree finds a magical gift--the sword which he needs to accomplish his mission.
These traditions come together in our celebration of Christmas and I sum this little essay up by saying: Christmas--December 25th--is no longer Jesus' birthday, but Christmas now symbolizes to me the upreach of evolutionary religion seeking for the downreach of revelatory religion. Christmas symbolizes the upreach of the religion that man has made and is looking for help to improve. Christmas is still a holy day to me, but it is not Jesus' birthday. It stands for all of man's strivings, his supersitions, but also his hunger for God.
Christmas is man asking questions--August 21st is the answer!

Selections from
The Urantia Book Published
in the Urdu Language

This "Urantia Sampler", consisting of five papers from The Urantia Book translated into the Urdu language, is currently being shipped to readers in Pakistan.
A joint project between Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Book Fellowship, and the Heart of America Society, the book contains complete copies of Papers 1 (The Universal Father), 56 (Universal Unity), 100 (Religion in Human Experience), 112 (Personality Survival), and 196 (The Faith of Jesus).
The project was managed by Ken Raveill who commented, "I hope it is not the last time that the Sampler idea is used to bring the teachings of thhe Urantia Book to a remote language group that would probably never, at least for many years, have the total book translated an published."
This book is also significant in that it is the first time any of the papers have been published in an Arabic language. It is hoped that it will find its way into the hands of Urdu speaking truth seekers in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India.
Special thanks to Ken Raveill for spearheading this project, personally doing all the pre-press layout work, and shepherding it through the printing process. |

Vali Nasr's "The Shia Revival" provides an in-depth review of the current struggle between Shia and Sunni for the future of the Middle East.
Nasr, one of the leading scholars on the Middle East, provides the reader with an understanding of the political and theological antagonisms currently playing out within the Islamic world. He insists that the only hope for peace in the Middle East rests upon finding a peaceful solution to the ancient rivalries between the Shias and the Sunnis.
Nasr draws a paralle between the current conflict within Islam to the European wars that raged within Christendom in the late Middle Ages. The book traces the 1400 year bitter struggle between the two Islamic sects, asking us to differentiate the religious and theological aspect of Islam from its political and military rivalries.
Outlining the rich history of a people and a vibrant culture that has spanned not only the Middle East but also modern-day Pakistan and India, Nasr explains the traditional hostilities and scrutinizes their current embodiment in the power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia for political and spiritual leadership of the Muslim world. He helps us understand Islam, not as a monolithic world religion, but a religion with two major divisions, each having its own distinctive world view and cultural heritage.
"The Shia Revival" is highly recommended for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of contemporary issues within Islam.
Book Review
The Shia Revival:
How Conflicts Within Islam will Shape the Future
Vali Nasr


The Urantia Book Club at
the Unversity of Colorado
by Don Green

At the University of Colorado in Boulder, clubs that have "On Campus" status are eligible to apply for a specific free office for their club. A month ago we made application for an office to be located in the Student Union, although we have had a presence on campus for the past two decades, we haven’t really been active for a number of years, frankly I didn’t think we’d get one.
Clubs making application can get turned down several times before getting anywhere.
I am delighted to report that we were successful in getting space in an office the first time out, furthermore we’ll be sharing the office with another organization called RCO, “Religious Campus Organization”. All the religious clubs that make up this organization are well established clubs, such as “Catholics on Campus”, “Campus Bible Fellowship”, “Episcopal Student Fellowship”, “Hillel Jewish Student Center”, “Bahai Campus Association”, to mention a few.
Being associated with these clubs gives us instant credibility. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time a Urantian Organization has been given equal standing among well established religious groups at a state University or College. This should set a precedent at other Colleges and Universities around the country.
Visit the book club website for more information. Complete kits are available for your use on a campus near you!

Reflections upon the Death of my Mother
by Susan Cook
My mother graduated her first stage of life a few weeks ago. And for all of her 76 years on this planet, it seemed that barely a whisper passed and she slipped away noticed by few. She was not one for seizing life and living it.
A few days after her death, I sat in my father's office looking at all of his degrees and certifications in Divinity and Theology. My father did attempt to seize what he could of life and continues to do so. The thought passes through my mind, "What will I do with these when he's gone."
Sadly, I'll throw them away. The symbols of accomplishment will vanish. However, much of his work will continue through the lives he has touched. I'm proud of my dad.
I turn to my own life. I work for my Father and the Revelation. I work very hard and hope I make a difference, even if it is only to create a starting point for others. Much of the work many of us do may not make a difference for decades but foundations are being built. I may never see the results of these efforts yet I continue to work hoping others will continue the work.
Since my mothers death, I have been engaged in much reflection and I made a decision. I added the Fellowship as my beneficiary on a few things. I let the Urantia Book Fellowship office know that when I die they are beneficiary on a fairly large life insurance policy and 401k. I did not give everything I have, but I am leaving a substantial amount. I am privileged to sit in Executive Committee meetings and listen to all we could be doing if we had the financial means. I can help move the plans and work along first by working incredibly hard. Then when I leave this body by leaving money so it can be used to further our beautiful Revelation.
I am privileged to know of selfless work going on in the world by Urantia Book students. I marvel at the energy and love by which this work is done.
I somehow want to help these tireless workers by gifting them money. I feel good about that and I'm encouraging you to do the same.

Pato Banton's Urantia Mission

International recording artist & devoted supporter of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, Pato Banton, has dedicated himself work within all groups of readers of The Urantia Book, to raise the social awareness of the book, the truths contained therein, and to take heed of the Master’s call to: “go forth preaching the gospel of the kingdom, the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.”
Pato Banton plans to use his talent as a vehicle to promote the Good News (especially to young people) and take time out during his extensive touring schedule to provide grass roots moral support for Urantia study groups across the world through personal inter-association.
This is the basis of his upcoming "Good News Tour" during which he will visit and spend time with reader groups throughout North America. These sessions can take the shape of a simple meet and greet, a reading from The Urantia Book, a pot luck party, a presentation, or a prayer and meditative worship session.
If you are interested in hosting a meeting in your area for Pato to attend, please call Norman Ingram at 562-698-2122 or email him at norlastar@aol.com

President Robert Burns Writes:
The Flux and Flow of Leadership
Over the few years I have been discussing what leadership is with friends, acquaintances, business associates, employers, employees, fellow volunteers of various non-profit organizations and anyone willing to share their views and thoughts. I recently had a wonderfully short explanation from a friend and long time reader of the Urantia papers, Paul Snider.
Because it was so wonderfully stated, I would like to share by paraphrasing Paul's main points in reverence to the revelation and specifically in regard to thoughts of Henry Wieman in his "Normative Psychology of Religion" in 1935.
Robert and Cindy Burns
Wieman wrote: "When society is in a state of flux, the conscious need of leadership is much more urgent than in a tranquil state. At a time of transition, individuals are aware that changes are under way and that new arrangements and processes must be developed. They are acutely aware of many of their needs and problems. They desire leadership, ask for it expressly. Contrariwise, in times of stabilized order, there is a dulling of sensitivities to the implications and problems being bred by the established order. If, as individuals, they sense no problems which threaten or demand change, they are apt to feel that there are no problems."
Paul's thoughts are""With regard to the revelation, we are definitely in a state of flux or transition, and have been since the inception of this revelation. There is a constant intermixture of danger and opportunity. The greatest danger of all is complacency. Only those with limited vision will see this as a period of stabilized order. We all know that at every moment things are moving either toward a state of growth and progress or toward decay and ruin. There is no in-between. The revelation, properly seen, is like the Parable of the Talents. Each day, each month, each year, we need to ask ourselves 'What are we going to do with our Talent? How will we answer the Master?'
Our job as leaders centers around three dynamic action-responsibilities:
1. Unify
2. Focus
3. Galvanize
Interestingly, one of the definitions of flux (physics) is ". . . the rate of flow of luminous radiant energy through a given area, or from a given source."
I encourage all of us to be mindful of the importance of flux and change, as it is evolutionary and it is the way of Supreme Being. With the limited human resources devoted to the revelation and committed to dynamic action-responsibility, we must all do our part. If not us, then who are we waiting for? If not now, what are we waiting for? And it is important to remember that within the readership we have plenty of "Talents". The resources exist! The question is: do we have what it takes, the courage and the faith, to fully commit ourselves to our Father's will?
I encourage each of you to join in spiritual unity and prayer and to use our Talents in doing our Father's will along with our Angelical friends under our Master Teacher/Brother. Let us unify in spirit, focus our vision and galvanize our efforts, encouraging all those who come in contact with us by the very fruits of our spirit.
Onward courageous souls, into the exciting future!
Robert Burns
The Urantia Book Fellowship

$10,000 Matching Fund Created for The Fellowship
A special matching donation opportunity has been made available to us. An anonymous donor has said that if we can raise up to $10,000 on this solicitation they will match the funds dollar for dollar. So in potential, every dollar you donate is worth two dollars to The Fellowship up to December 31, 2006 or until the match has been met. Please help us realize this generous offer by making a donation.
Click here now to make a donation on-line.
or call Paula Thompson at the Fellowship office at (877) 288-3772 or
mail your donation directly to:
The Urantia Book Fellowship
P.O. Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
The spread of The Urantia Book in our world is limited only by the availablity of resources that can be directed to the task!
Your tax-deductible contributions will help to support the following Fellowship projects which are all directed toward the world-wide dissemination of The Urantia Book:
Printing of the Indexed Urantia Book: This past August we secured national distribution in over 800 Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide. We are selling so many Indexed Urantia Books with the free audio DVD, that a reprinting is imminent.
Developing a Greater Web Presence: Over 100,000 people per month are accessing our English and Spanish websites. Tremendous opportunities exist for extensive polylingual outreach programs. Realizing these opportunities will require more skilled help to expand and service our online and IT needs.
Administration: Dedicated employees like John Hales and now Paula Thompson work diligently to serve the Brotherhood of Believers and to hold down administrative costs. The Fellowship needs your help to maintain its operations, pay its employees, manage conferences and meetings, and in general take care of business.
The Pipeline of Light: This project has placed over 800 books in 54 countries around the world. Ably managed by the Fellowship’s Secretary General, Michelle Klimesh, this program will spend $10,000 this coming year getting The Urantia Book placed in various regions worldwide where books are outrageously expensive and generally unavailable.
The International Fellowship Committee: IFC is challenged by the rapid growth and consequent opportunities happening all over the world. In the past year there were important gatherings of readers in Latin America , Lithuania , Holland , Scotland , France , Spain , and Italy . The recent Italian and German translations together with the Spanish, French, Lithuanian, Finnish, Portuguese and Russian translation are igniting new reader communities around the globe and they count on us for help developing their social infrastructure.
The Urantia Book Marketing Committee: This committee has developed a 5-year plan to gain distribution throughout all English speaking regions of the world, with a primary focus on bookstore chains, independent bookstores, university bookstores, Christian and other religious bookstores. In addition, they are producing exciting new audio versions of the book designed to attract young people. They are serious about getting this book into the world. Solid marketing efforts like these take resources, more reasons why your support is vital!
The Outreach Committee: This committee is committed to the development of enticing new ways to introduce The Urantia Book. These include multi-media presentations on DVD and web-feed formats for internet and personal applications. Outreach Committee will also be continuing a long tradition of exhibiting the book at progressive expositions in various cities.
The InterFaith Committee: This committee hopes to further develop its popular and acclaimed online interfaith course taught by our esteemed colleague Peter Lawrence. They are also adding an online World's Religions course taught by experts in their field. They will continue to present The Urantia Book at the North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) conference in Florida in 2007 as well as other large interfaith conferences across the U.S.
The Publications Committee: $25,000 yearly is currently being spent on the creation and worldwide distribution of our outstanding publications; including two editions of our newsletter, The Mighty Messenger and one edition of our magazine, The Herald. Our Publications Committee Chair is always hoping for more funds to allow for two editions of the ever popular Herald. Your donations could help make that dream come true.
Without your support these service projects would not be possible. Your tax deductible donation to The Urantia Book Fellowship is a gift that helps us move the revelation into the lives of more and more individuals around the world.
John Hay

Published by David Kantor for
The Urantia Book Fellowship
PO Box 4583
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
