QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER FROM Summary of Events of the First Quarter 1957 Greetings: Take special note of the following action proposed by the Domestic Extension Committee and approved by the Executive Committee: For some time we have been coming to the belief that we should make it as easy as possible for bookstores to carry The Urantia Book. We have heard several complaints that people tried to get the book, but the bookstores did not have it and knew nothing about it. To remedy this situation we are doing two things. First, we are having the Urantia Book listed in several catalogs which most bookstores use. This means that when a bookstore receives a request for the book, they will find it listed, with the price and the publisher's name and address, so they can order it. Second, we have decided that bookstores and other vendors should have their normal discount of 40% instead of the 25% which we have previously been allowing them. In order to make this possible without losing money on the transactions, the Executive Committee has voted to raise the price of the book to $12.00, effective June 1, 1957. The decision to raise the price was made only after long thorough discussion. Some wanted the price even below $10.00. But a price that is too low and obviously out of the conventional line immediately raises questions as to why it is so low. We have had that reaction from strangers. Others wanted the price to go to $15.00, contending that the book is actually worth even more. The $12.00 price is a compromise between the two extremes and we feel it will not work a hardship on anyone. The 40% discount will apply to the following: 1. Bookstores purchasing any quantity. PLEASE REMEMBER THE DATE OF THE CHANGE OF PRICE - JUNE 1, 1957 -- $12.00. There is no other news of specific interest at this time. The dissemination of the book goes on slowly; the Urantia Brotherhood School is in session every Wednesday; certain study groups are expected to apply for a charter soon. Warren H. Kulieke, Vice President |
A Service of
The Fellowship for
Readers of The Urantia Book