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Summary of Events of the First Quarter 1958
April 15, 1958

For the information of possible visitors, June 8 will be the last regular Sunday meeting for the spring. There will be no Sunday meetings through the summer. For the benefit of the members of the First Urantia Society the annual business meeting will be held on June 15.

The Urantia Brotherhood School is now in its second semester. Marian Rowley has completed her course on the "Organization of The Urantia Book," and the two hours on Wednesday nights are now devoted to the "Teachings of Jesus" conducted by Dr. Sadler.

Doctrines I and II, $5.00 each, and the "Teachings of Jesus" at $5.50, are still available.

Orders for books are increasing slowly. It is most interesting that we are receiving orders from book stores from various parts of the United States, as well as from foreign countries. In the past month we have mailed books to individuals or stores in France, Germany, Alaska, Liberia, Ireland, and Australia.

The first class for teaching The Urantia Book to children has been started at the home of Richard Renn. Mrs. Ruth Renn, the teacher, finds her nine young charges, ranging in ages from 6 to 13, very space-minded, and intensely interested in what she tells them. They decided themselves to call their group the "Junior Urantia Class."

A REMINDER to all of you who are interested! The three circles used in the front of The Urantia Book and the letterhead of the Urantia Brotherhood and the Urantia Foundation have been registered as a service mark or trade mark by the Urantia Foundation. Permission to use the circles must be obtained from the trustees of the Urantia Foundation.

Also, The Urantia Book is copyrighted by the Urantia Foundation, the publisher. Five or six lines may be quoted from the book without permission, but for longer excerpts in printed matter, permission must be obtained from the copyright owner.

If any of you readers have any items of news that might be of interest to our group of readers as a whole, we shall be pleased to hear form you.

James C. Mills Vice President, Urantia Brotherhood


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book