QUARTERLY NEWS LETTER FROM THE Summary of Events of the Second Quarter 1957 Greetings: The Urantia Society of Glenview, holding Charter No. 3, was installed on May 24, 1957, in a simple but impressive ceremony. Mrs. Ruth Burton, Chairman of the Charter Committee, conducted the ceremony, assisted by Mrs. Mary Lou Hales, Mrs. Katharine Jones, and Ernest Pritchard, all members of the Charter Committee. There were twelve founders and eight additional charter members. Several members of the First Urantia Society were present as guests. This local society evolved from the study group started by Bernard Burton in Glenview soon after the book was published. On or about July 25 the West Coast Urantia Society of Los Angeles will be formally installed. This study group was granted Charter No. 2, last fall. Bill Sadler and Ruth Burton expect to be present and participate in the ceremony. We extend our best wishes for a wonderful future to both these Societies. The administrators of the Urantia Brotherhood School wish to announce the following courses to be offered during the 1957-58 semesters: 1. Structure of The Urantia Book - Year Course Instructor, Marian Rowley. (Major) 2. Constitution and Organization of Urantia Societies - Fall Semester Instructor, Harold Karrer. (Minor) 3. The Teachings of Jesus - Spring Semester Instructor, Dr. Sadler. (Minor) Registration September 18, 1957 - 7:30-8:30 PM The fees will be the same as last year, namely: STUDENTS: Matriculation, $5.00; Major, $10.00; Minor, $5.00 AUDITORS: Registration, $1.00; Major, $5.00, Minor, $2.50 We have also been requested to announce that anyone wishing to enroll in the school this September who was not enrolled this past year should send for an application questionnaire and submit it as soon as possible to Dr. Sadler or Alvin Kulieke. The Custodians report that approximately 2900 books have been distributed to date. This is not a spectacular showing, but we are not to be discouraged by slow progress. Let us build wisely and well. The annual commemoration of Jesus' Birthday will be held August 21 at 533 Diversey Parkway, at 8 o'clock. Undoubtedly this event will be remembered by various groups and individuals throughout the world. It has been suggested that there are a number of persons who are not on the News Letter mailing list who might like to receive this bulletin. If you know of any such persons please send us their names and addresses. Let us hear from you. How goes the cause? Warren H. Kulieke |
A Service of
The Fellowship for
Readers of The Urantia Book