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February 15, 1964

On January 26, 1964, the annual meeting of the General Council of Urantia Brotherhood was held, and reports of the officers and various departmental committees were presented. Activities contained in these reports have been reported to you in prior news letters. Attached are the treasurer's annual report and the new roster of officers and committees.

In her report to the General Council, our president, Miss E.L. Christensen, called to our attention four items of interest: the coming of the first Triennial Delegate Assembly; our sorrow at the loss by death of our first president, William S. Sadler, Jr.; a commendation to the Committee on Education for its outstanding job in connection with our first Summer Study Session; and finally, a reference to the fine resume of the Urantia Book written by Mr. Auguste Berg from France.

Miss Christensen then presented her inspiring message in which she reminded us that we had been called to a great work--that of "presenting this revelation to the peoples of a strife-torn world. We who are torchbearers should give to our present generation a new burst of faith...which will arouse the spiritual consciousness of all mankind to the reality of the living gospel of Jesus--a new assurance of sonship.....We as soldiers of the circles...should become the potential unit of our time out of which the world-wide kingdom of God is to be eventually realized. ... We need to be willing to be used for the fulfillment of God's purpose. Said Jesus: 'If we would guide others into the kingdom, we must ourselves walk in the clear light of living truth.'" She concluded by urging us to "face our responsibilities with courage, determination, and devotion, while we pray for wisdom for the great task before us."

The General Council has set the date for the first Triennial Delegate Assembly of the Urantia Brotherhood for August 20, 1964. Information concerning program activities of the Triennial Assembly will be mailed to those concerned and interested as soon as such details are worked out.

Because of the importance of this first Triennial Delegate Assembly and the work involved, it has been decided that there will not be a Summer Study Session during 1964.

Your vice-president reported that this winter he visited the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma, as well as study groups and individuals in Albuquerque and Phoenix. He found these contacts both interesting and fruitful. It was obvious that good leadership is essential to the development of strong and useful Urantia study groups or local societies. It is hoped that from the membership of the present Urantia societies strong leaders will be developed who can become the neucleus of many additional study groups and local societies. Our duty lies in the formation of more and more study groups which will culminate into societies.

Custodians of the Urantia Brotherhood report the sale of 593 Urantia Books during 1963, which brings the total number of books sold and given away to 6,070.

The First Urantia Society of Oklahoma has elected new officers and they are: President, Helen Butler; Vice president, George Ande; Secretary, Berkeley Elliott; Treasurer, Faye Brown.

Kenton E. Stephens has been elected a trustee of the Urantia Foundation to fill the vacancy left by the resignation on June 18, 1963 of William S. Sadler, Jr.

On December 31, 1963, the total membership of the Urantia Brotherhood was 268, which includes 18 members-at-large. We are happy to welcome two new members-at-large: Miss Mary Crink, Tempe, Arizona, and E. Wayne Mattox, Culver, Indiana.

The Urantia Brotherhood School will begin the second semester on February 19, 1964, continuing the "Study of the Books of the Bible, Part II, New Testament," conducted by Dr. Sadler, and the study of "Urantia Book and the New Testament," by Anna Rawson. The text books for these courses, as well as all other text books, are still available.

We hope the summer vacation period will enable many of you to visit Chicago headquarters office. We would very much enjoy a visit from you.

James C. Mills Vice-President


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The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book