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July 20, 1964

The second most important event in the history of the Urantia Brotherhood will take place on Thursday, August 20, with the convening of the First Triennial Delegate Assembly. The most important, of course, was the original formation of the Brotherhood on January 2, 1955. The Brotherhood came into existence on that day when 36 carefully chosen General Councilors signed the constitution of the Brotherhood and elected officers and committee chairmen and members.

However, that organization was a provisional one, designed to operate for the first nine years, in order to get things started and kept on an even keel during the formative period. Now the nine years has ended and according to the constitution the First Triennial Delegate Assembly has been called to start the permanent, constitutional organization. This Assembly consists of one delegate from each of the Urantia Societies which have been chartered during the nine years. These delegates will elect a new General Council of 36 members. The Council, in turn, will holds its first Triennial Meeting and will elect officers, committee chairmen, and committee members of the Brotherhood.

This Assembly will be a high point in the history of the Brotherhood and we think that those who are present will feel a real sense of satisfaction and pride at having participated. Most of the sessions will be open to everyone. When the delegates are working in committees a program will be presented for all the others who are present. In addition to the sessions, there will be two evening parties to which everyone is invited. On Friday night we will have our traditional meeting to celebrate Jesus' birthday.

We are enclosing a program which we hope you will keep and bring with you, if you are planning to come. There will be no fee for any of the sessions or parties. Please advise Miss Rowley At 533 Diversey Parkway if you plan to come.

The Urantia Brotherhood School will start September 23, with Graduation At 7:30 P.M., Followed by the first class. Courses For 1964-1965 Are: Analytical Study Of Part I Of The Urantia Book, conducted by Dr. William S. Sadler, and Doctrine I by Alvin Kulieke.

New officers of societies are: First Urantia Society - President, Alvin Kulieke; Vice President, Mary Inez Burch; Secretary, Jane Dyon; Treasurer, Carleta Wensel. Urantia Society of Glenview -- President, Ann Spink; Vice President, Florence Burton; Secretary, Beatrice Davis; Treasurer, Bernard Burdon. Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago -- President, Carolyn Kendall; Vice President, Frank Sgaraglino; Secretary, Wesley James; Treasurer, Ruth Sweely. The First Urantia Soceity of Los Angeles, California -- President, Helen Steen; Vice President, Georgia Gecht; Secretary, Julia Fenderson; Treasurer, Ward Culbertson.

We have three new Members-At-Large: Arlie Riddleberger and Winona Jewel, Carlsbad, California, and Sophie Hansen, Albany, New York.

Jesus' birthday celebration, 8 p.m. on Friday, August 21, 533 Diversey Parkway.

James C. Mills
Vice President


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book