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April 15, 1966

Following the suggestion of several people, the Domestic Extension Committee has asked that we include with this Bulletin a list of libraries in the United States which have been given copies of the Urantia Book. A great many of these books have been given by the Domestic Extension Committee from a gift fund of the Brotherhood, and the list includes both public libraries and university and college libraries. Some of the books have been given by individuals, and some have been bought by the libraries. A very few of the libraries have returned the gifts and we have heard of several that have not returned the books to us, but have not made them available to the public for one reason or another. We frequently get letters telling us that the writer has found the book in a library and wants to buy a copy for himself, or learn more about it. This form of distribution is apparently bringing some results. If anyone knows of any library which has a Urantia Book and is not listed here, we would like very much to be informed so that our list may be complete.

A number of gift books have also been sent to libraries in other English-speaking countries by the Foreign Extension Committee.

Mrs. Julia Fenderson, our Los Angeles Field Representative, held a meeting in San Francisco on March 12 with members and readers of the Urantia Book in that vicinity. There were 18 present. The meeting was scheduled from 2:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, but many stayed for an evening visit. She reports a very delightful meeting and hopes to get a study group started in the Berkeley-Oakland vicinity.

The weekend of March 26 Berkeley Elliott, our Field Representative from Oklahoma City, spent two days with us. We exchanged many ideas, and Miss Elliott had a chance to visit two Urantia Societies in this area, the First and Orvonton. It was a most enjoyable week-end for all of us here at headquarters.

Mrs. Ruth Burton has completed her extension course on the subject of Deity in Los Angeles. Her classes were held in two sessions, with about 20 at the Sunday afternoon sessions and 12 at the Tuesday evening meetings.

Alvin Kulieke, dean of the Urantia Brotherhood School, is planning an extension course in Astronomy in Los Angeles during the first three weeks of July. This is the same course that was given in the school in Chicago sometime ago. It is a minor, requiring 18 hours of class work. In the Los Angeles course two 3-hour classes will be held each week. Students who have not enrolled in the Urantia Brotherhood School previously should fill out applications which must be approved by the Committee on Education of the Urantia Brotherhood. There are two categories of students, those who enroll for credit toward a Certified Teacher-Leader Certificate, and auditors. Fees for the course are: Students for credit $5.00; auditors, $2.50; Also a registration fee of $1.00. Julia Fenderson, secretary of the First Urantia Society of Los Angeles, 9980 Farragut Drive, Culver City, California, will have details as to place and time for the class as soon as they have been worked out.

The annual business meeting of the 36 General Councilors of the Urantia Brotherhood will be held on Sunday, August 7, 1966, at 2 p.m., at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Illinois.


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book