Urantia BROTHERHOOD BULLETIN Plans are progressing for the summer study session to be held at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, August 6-8. The subject will be "The Morontia Life" and we hope to describe what life might be like as a mortal progresses through the local universe worlds. We will do our best to make this session very worth while for you, but no credits will be given toward certificates for Certified Leader or Ordained Teacher. Enclosed is a registration form, a program, and a list of hotels in the neighborhood. We suggest making your hotel reservations in advance and sending a deposit to insure their holding the room. If you are planning to attend this session and have not yet sent in your registration, we would appreciate it very much if you would do so immediately. If you discover later that you cannot be present, your registration can be canceled and any fees paid will be refunded. It is most important that we have an accurate count as soon as possible on how many will be here, for material is being prepared in advance. The question of how much space we will need is also vital. We urge you to send in the registration forms immediately. It will be of great help to us. The Urantia Brotherhood School will open about the middle of September. Courses for 1965-1966 are: Analytic Study of Part I of the Urantia Book, first 10 papers, conduced by Dr. Sadler, and Doctrine, Theology of the Urantia Book, Volume II, conducted by Alvin Kulieke. In May of this year gift copies of the Urantia Book were presented to the following university libraries: University of Illinois, Urbana; University of Illinois, Congress Circle Campus, Chicago; Ohio State University, Columbus; University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana; Michigan State University, East Lansing; also to the Public Library, Portland, Oregon. New officers of societies are: First Urantia Society-President, Anna Rawson; Vice President, Carl T. Berry; Secretary, Eva Vincent; Treasurer, Carleta Wensel. Urantia Society of Glenview-President, Florence Burton; Vice President, Ann Spink; Secretary, Clifford Spink; Treasurer, Bernard Burton. Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago- President, Frank Sgaraglino; Vice President, Wesley R. James; Secretary, James E. Kuzell; Treasurer, Robert J. Smatlak. Other societies will be interested to learn that the Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago has obtained tax-exempt status. On May 3, 1965, the Executive Committee of the Urantia Brotherhood appointed two new Field Representatives, namely, Mrs. Julia K. Fendrson, 9980 Farragut Drive, Culver City, California, and Miss Berkeley Elliott, 2905 First National Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. On July 6, 1965, Mrs. Patricia Sadler Mundelius of Toledo, Ohio, was approved as a member-at-large by the Executive Committee. LMS 7-10-65 |
A Service of
The Fellowship for
Readers of The Urantia Book