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October 18, 1967

The second Triennial Delegate Assembly was held on Aug. 4 & 5, 1967, at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Ill. All societies were represented by their respective delegates and alternates as follows:

First Urantia Society: Alvin Kulieke, Arthur Burch
The First Urantia Society of Los Angeles; Julia Fenderson, William Fenderson
Urantia Society of Glenview; Bernard Burton, Harry Rowley
First Urantia Society of Oklahoma; Charlene Morrow, Frankie Goodman
Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago; Alfred Leverens, Thomas Kendall

At 10:00 a.m., Friday, August 4, the Assembly convened in formal session. Alvin Kulieke, Chairman of the Program Committee, introduced the President, Miss E.L. Christensen, who gave the address of welcome. This was followed by Mr. Kulieke's keynote address. Then followed the reports of the officers, committee chairmen and field representatives, covering the period from 1964 to 1967.

In the afternoon, while the committees were in session, some 70 visitors had the privilege of listening to inspiring speeches by Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger and Mr. Jacques Weiss from Paris, France, the translator of the French edition of the Urantia Book. Friday night about 100 guests spent a most enjoyable evening of music, conversation, and refreshments in the home of Dr. William S. Sadler and Christy.

Saturday morning at 10:00 o'clock the Assembly reconvened. The committee on Nominations presented its list of suggested councilors for election, and the election was held. Attached is a list of the present councilors and committee members. The Committee on Resolutions suggested (and a resolution was passed) that copies of the welcoming and keynote addresses be mailed to those interested. Copies of these addresses are being sent herewith to the members of the Brotherhood. However, we will send copies, upon request, to anyone else wishing to receive them.

Saturday afternoon was spent listening to a splendid address by Mr. Vern B. Grimsley of Berkeley, California. Mr. Grimsley broadcasts on radio a very interesting and inspiring program from Berkeley entitled, "The Family of God."

We are informed the second printing of the Urantia Book will be finished by late December of this year. The dust jacket on the book will be plasticized and the printer states this will help prevent fading and make it possible to wipe off dirt and dust.

If you have not ordered your copy of Clyde Bedell's "Personal List of References to the Urantia Book" we suggest that you do so now. This is a very helpful partial index which will serve well until the publication of the official index. The price is $5.00 and all the money is applied to the second printing of the Urantia Book.

The name of "The First Urantia Society of Los Angeles, California," has been officially changed to "First Urantia Society of Los Angeles."

We are pleased to announce a new member-at-large: Mrs. Le'Ruth Ward Tyau, Honolulu, Hawaii.


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book