Urantia BROTHERHOOD BULLETIN Attached is roster of the General Council of the Urantia Brotherhood and committees, including the newly elected members. The Third Summer Study Session was held August 2 and 3 and turned out to be a most interesting and inspiring occasion. There were 95 present from 16 states, which is an increase over the meeting held in August 1965. The study session was directed by the Dean of the Urantia Brotherhood School, Mr. Alvin L. Kulieke. The meeting was opened Friday morning by Mr. Kulieke who gave a brief sketch of things to come, followed by a warm welcome by Miss E.L. Christensen, Vice President of Urantia Brotherhood. The theme of the session was "Mortal Ascension to Paradise" and Mr. Kulieke took the first step by describing briefly our life here on Urantia and exploring the requirements for survival. His talk carried us through our death here and resurrection on the mansion worlds. Friday afternoon Mrs. Anna Rawson described in a most interesting way our life as we progress through the seven mansion worlds, followed by Mrs. Ruth Burton who continued with our morontia life from Jerusem through Salvington. Friday evening an interesting open meeting consisting of general questions and answers took place. Saturday morning after a brief introduction by Mr. Kulieke, Mrs. Julia Fenderson covered our journey through Havona and Paradise in a graphic way, using charts and transparencies on a screen. Saturday afternoon Dr. Meredith Sprunger summed up the ascension career and gave an inspiring talk on what might lie ahead of us. The session was topped off Saturday night with an enjoyable party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hales, in Winnetka. There were many in attendance from out of town, some old friends and quite a few who had never been here before. It was refreshing for those at headquarters to meet these new people and to be exposed to many new ideas. A spirit of understanding and unity seemed to prevail and this stimulated encouragement and confidence in our associates from various parts of the country. All in all, everyone felt it was a most profitable and enlightening occasion. We have two new members-at-large to announce: Mr. Lawrence Bowman of Defiance, Ohio, and Mr. Kendall Myers of Topeka, Kansas. It is always gratifying to receive members-at-large -- those who want to belong to the Urantia Brotherhood but are not near any organized society. The First Urantia Society of Los Angeles has a new slate of officers and they are: President - Julia K. Fenderson; Vice President - Bruce Davison; Secretary - Georgia Gecht; and Treasurer - Helen Steen. The Urantia Brotherhood School began its Wednesday night seminar sessions on October 2, and will continue for 9 weeks. These 2-hour sessions are conducted by Dean Alvin Kulieke and begin at 7:30 p.m. During this fall session the five papers on religion, beginning with paper 99, are being read and discussed. There is no academic credit given for this study course, but the questions, answers, and deliberate discussion make it more than worthwhile. It is open to all of you. "The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual into a personality of idealistic power." (1094) LMS |
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