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Nov. 27, 1972

Newly elected officers of societies have been reported as follows:

Urantia Society of Glenview: President - Bernard Burton; Vice President -Burton Harris; Secretary - Donna Rowley; Treasurer - Harry Rowley.

First Urantia Society of Los Angeles: President - Jeffrey Bedell; Vice President- -Scott Forsythe; Secretary - Patricia Bedell; Treasurer - Richard Ziglar.

The sale of the Urantia Book continues to increase -- total number is approaching 30,000 abroad in the world.

The Concordex to the Urantia Book is still available at $8.50 Plus .28 postage; also "An Artist's Conception of the Master Universe" at $1.00. Both of these may be ordered from headquarters.

Visitors are very welcome at headquarters. Many come seeking answers to questions, to meet the people who work here, and to see what the building is like. It has been suggested that many readers of the Urantia Book who have not visited the Urantia Headquarters might enjoy a brief description of the building.

The building, owned by the Urantia Foundation, is a three-story stone and brick building, built as a three-flat residences in the early part of the century. It is one of the first all steel residences built in Chicago, located about four miles north of the Loop. At that time Diversey Parkway was an unpaved street with board sidewalks. This very substantial building is now situated admidst high rises and a thriving business district. There are eight or nine rooms on each floor. The third floor is still maintained as an apartment. The second floor has a large room used by the Urantia Brotherhood and The First Urantia Society for meetings. The rest is an apartment.

The first floor is used entirely for Urantia Foundation and Urantia Brotherhood business. It has a reception room, waiting room, two conference rooms, four offices, a small room used for addressing machine and mimeograph, two bath rooms, a small kitchen, and two enclosed porches used for storing Urantia Books and other materials. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

The building at the present time lends itself quite well to the various activities, but some day will no doubt be inadequate. Those who work here are very happy and grateful to be able to do so. Being a non-profit organization it may be a long time before we will have a magnificent structure worthy as a headquarters for the Urantia Book. The following are excerpts from letters received recently:


"I have been most deeply moved, fascinated, and found an indescribable feeling of exhilaration and serenity through reading your book 'Urantia' and I would be very interested in purchasing and/or having a list of some of your other books. I am thirsty for knowledge. Thank you for already giving me a beautiful awakening.''


"Some time ago I bought a copy of the Urantia Book in a book store in Aspen. Although I have not quite finished it yet, it strikes me as one of the most extraordinary documents I have ever chanced upon. I, for one, am most intrigued and challenged by its claim to extraterrestrial origin. Certainly the book pronounces authoritatively upon an astonishing range of experiential and theoretical dilemmas, while admitting plausibly to mysteries at the heart of others. I would particularly welcome from you and pay for it, if necessary, a graphic break-down of the organized universe as it is described in the first two parts.''


"I first heard about the Urantia Book nearly three years ago. I was then 18 and what I heard briefly said about the book didn't make much sense to me then. Last year while I was stationed in Turkey with the Air Force, a sergeant introduced me to the book and since January of this year I have become increasingly involved to the point of fully comprehending that my own mortal thoughts unless unified with my Father's will are indeed purposeless and 'dead ends.' After much meditation on the paper entitled The Reserve Corps of Destiny I have no further doubt that my own destiny is universal and no longer individual in scope and purpose. I am learning patience, but slowly.''


"...concerning God consciousness, the Urantia Book seems to be giving light treatment to the contributions stemming from India, especially in a time when new resurgence of yogi paths are appearing. I personally know of individuals who 'meditate' as a means of achieving God consciousness. Am I to believe that the techniques they use are useless, that faith alone can bring realiza-tion? Surely, a Foundation that has sponsored a book as profound as the Urantia Book can offer a path of direction more tangible than faith in God and Jesus Christ... or is that the way?''

On page 354 the complete story of mortal evolution is told in eight lines:

"Evolutionary mortals are born on the planets of space, pass through the morontia worlds, ascend the spirit universes, traverse the Havona spheres, find God, attain Paradise, and are mustered into the primary Corps of the Finality, therein to await the next assignment of universe service. There are six other assembling finality corps, but Grandfanda, the first mortal ascender, presides as Paradise chief of all orders of finaliters. And as we view this sublime spectacle, we all exclaim: What a glorious destiny for the animal-origin children of time, the material sons of space!"


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book