Urantia BROTHERHOOD BULLETIN Plans for the proposed Summer Study Session for the coming summer have not yet been finalized. Information will be sent to societies and study groups when available. ****** On January 31, 1971 Mrs. Mary Lou Hales, Chairman of the Charter Committee of Urantia Brotherhood, accompanied by her husband, William M. Hales, Miss E. L. Christensen, and Martin Myers had the pleasant experience of installing the First Urantia Society of Houston at Houston, Texas. This ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ewing. Eleven founders were initiated, as well as nine charter members. All took the pledge of dedication and signed the membership roll. Mrs. Hales opened the meeting with an inspiring talk. The purposes and aims of the Brotherhood were read by Mr. Hales, and a history of the Urantia Brotherhood and its relationship to established societies set forth in a message prepared by Alvin L. Kulieke, our President, who could not be present, was read by Mr. Myers. The study group from which this society was developed was begun a number of years ago by Ann and Early Spiars. Congratulations to them! Following the ceremony, Mr. Ewing read telegrams and letters of congratulation and good wishes from all of the existing Urantia Societies. A delicious dinner was then served to members and guests. Out-of-town guests included Miss Berkeley Elliott of Oklahoma City, and Hawthorne (Ark) Pettie and Mrs. Mary Gale of New Orleans. We greatly enjoyed meeting the members of this fine group and extend to them a warm welcome and good wishes as they join us in the work of the Brotherhood. We hope one and all will find it possible to visit the First Urantia Society of Chicago at an early date. ****** Newly elected officers of societies have been reported as follows: First Urantia Society of Houston: President - Robert C. Ewing; Vice President - W. Allen Brazell; Secretary - Mrs. Adrienne A. Kelley; and Treasurer - Henry Walla. First Urantia Society of Oklahoma: President - D. L. Cook; Vice President - Emory E. Finefrock, Jr.; Secretary - Mrs. Joyce Finefrock; and Treasurer - Miss Jean Francis. First Urantia Society of Fort Wayne, Indiana: President - Meredith J. Sprunger; Vice President - K. David Schlundt; Secretary - Mrs. May Lou Kurtz; and Treasurer - Mrs. Irene L. Sprunger. ****** The Concordex which has been prepared and recently published by Clyde Bedell (described in our January Bulletin) is proving very helpful to many people. It will help you find and coordinate what the Urantia Book says in many references on many subjects. It will help you locate "gems" of thought and enable you to do topical reading on scores of subjects. The price is $8.50 and shipping charge is 25 cents. It may be ordered through this office and your check should be made payable to the Urantia Foundation. The retail price of the Urantia Book was increased to $20.00 on March 1, 1971. Please pass the word along. When ordering from headquarters please add 36 cents for postage. ****** We feel sure that all who have been connected with the Urantia movement for some time, or in some way have been concerned with the progress of the Brotherhood as it attempts to disseminate the teachings of the Urantia Book, are soberly impressed with the importance of what is being done, or what has been done, and of what will be done, by all of us who have a part in the planning and work of the Brotherhood. Over the past sixteen years since the Brotherhood was formed we have become accustomed to doing things for the first time -- we have become charter members of a society, we have taught or studied in the first class in the Urantia Brotherhood school, we have participated in the first charter ceremonies, the first Triennial Delegate Assembly, and many others. We have precedents. We are getting away from the first stark beginnings of hte Urantia movememnt, and traditions and modes of procedure are developing. Most of us will no doubt live out our lives before the consequences of our acts will be realized and before the Urantia Book has had much influence upon the world. We have been privileged to receive the Urantia Book before the world is ready for it. For this we can be humbly thankful. But with all this in mind, let us face the tasks that lie before us, joyously realizing that a great project has been placed in our hands. This is big business. Our consuming desire must be for the steady progress of the essential teachings of our Master Son as revealed in the Urantia Book. To be leaders -- to be one of those who will help push Urantia over the brink into one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment -- we need to dare to depend solely upon Jesus and his incomparable teachings. We have many examples to inspire and guide us -- the versatility and steadfastness of Andrew, the persistent loyalty of Ruth and Rebecca, the ingenuity and dependability of David Zebadee, the zeal of Peter, and above all the cool courage of John, who calmly accompanied his Master into the very jaws of death. We must develop a new breed of apostles through whom the world may see Jesus living again in the experience of those spirit-born mortals who effectively reveal the Master to all men.
A Service of
The Urantia Book