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October 18, 1960

Three students graduated in the Urantia Brotherhood School on September 28, 1960. The interesting and inspiring commencement program was conducted by Dr. William S. Sadler, Jr., Chairman of the Committee on Education, Alvin Kulieke, Dean of hte Urantia Brotherhood School, and Warren H. Kulieke, President of the Urantia Brotherhood. Music -- a recording of the second movement of Brahms First Symphony, and the Prelude to the first act of Lohengrin -- preceded the graduation exercises. Those receiving their Certified Leader Certificates were Eva Vincent, Charlotte Wensel, and Rev. David Schlundt.

School started immediately thereafter with an enrollment of thirty students and auditors. In Science -- having completed Astronomy and Geology -- the class is resuming Physics and Chemistry under Alvin Kulieke. In Topical Studies -- Dr. Sadler is beginning Volume I containing 11 topics. Volume II, which is now in process of publication, contains 11 other topics which will be studied the second semester.

Jesus' birthday, August 21, was celebrated. The West Coast Urantia Society had a picnic and program in the garden of Julia and Bill Fenderson; the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma, with 24 present, had a dinner party at the home of Wilma McManus. Dr. Goldia Young conducted the program, discussing the Father, Son, Spirit, Creator Sons, and Michael's seventh bestowal. In Albany, New York, Sophie Hansen and her study group celebrated. Eighty members and friends of the First Urantia Society of Chicago celebrated at 533 Diversey Parkway, having as a guest r. Jacques Weiss of Paris. The theme of the program was the "Kingdom of God." Many other members of the Urantia Brotherhood no doubt celebrated.

While Mr. Jacques Weiss was in Chicago he negotiated a contract with the Urantia Foundation covering the publication of the Urantia Book into French, which translation has been completed by him. Those of the Foundation and Brotherhood who met Mr. Weiss found him to be a most delightful and charming person, and one wholly dedicated to the Urantia Book.

Dr. meredith J. Sprunger, Field Representative, visited the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma in September. He reports this Society is made up of a wonderful group of people and that they are making excellent progress in the study of the Urantia Book and developing attitudes and judgments which are in harmony with the spiritual insights of the Urantia revelation. He has submitted to the Executive Committee three suggestions from this society, looking toward better inter-relationship between the Urantia Brotherhood and the various societies, which are being considered.

Your Vice-President reports that he had a most enjoyable and fruitful -- to him -- visit with the West Coast Urantia Society at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Steen in Pasadena on Saturday, Aug. 13. In company with Mrs. Mills, he found a dedicated group of individuals who are diligently working towards mastery of the principles put forth in the Urantia Book. Their dedication is both personal and group. While there he was fortunate to participate in the initiation of Mr. Ward Culbertson. He thoroughly enjoyed participation in their activities and wishes to, again, thank them for the courtesies and hospitality extended to Mrs. Mills and he, and by this means sends "Most cordial greetings."

The programs and activities of the various societies sound very interesting. Glenview Society reports they have a meeting once a week. Each member takes his turn in reading a paper, previously preparing questions to be asked. They find this provokes very interesting discussions. The Second Society of Chicago meets about once a month for a four-hour session. They discuss the papers in groups of related papers. Their long-range plan is to discuss concepts outside the papers relating them thereto. The First Urantia Society of Chicago meets every Sunday from 3 to 5 P.M. Every other Sunday a paper is read and discussed by a different member. On the alternating Sunday a topic is discussed by a different individual. Every three or four months a report on the mail is made by the Secretary-General.

The Urantia Brotherhood is happy to announce another Member-at-Large, Mr. Jacques Weiss.

As many of you know, the Urantia Brotherhood has books which were paid for by certain of its members to be given by or to interested persons who might not be able to purchase the Urantia Book. The Executive Committee has application forms for the distribution of these gift books. Upon request, such an application, properly filled out and returned tro the Urantia Brotherhood, is considered by the Executive Committee, and if deemed to be in good faith, a Urantia Book will be sent as a gift.

In July of 1959 the Executive Committee of Urantia Brotherhood established a lending library of three books, later seven were added. A book is loaned for three months; after three months the applicant is called and asked to return it, renew it, or buy it. During this fifteen months' period seven books have been loaned, four of them have been purchased. Please let us have any news which might be of common interest to the members of the Brotherhood.

James C. Mills Vice-President

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The Urantia Book Fellowship