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April 15, 1960

The Urantia Brotherhood wishes to announce, for the information of possible visitors to the First Urantia Society of Chicago, that June 12th will be its last regular meeting for the spring, with the discussion of Paper 139, "The Twelve Apostles" by Warren H. Kulieke. Annual busines meeting of the Society will be held on June 19th. On June 25th, the annual picnic, at Dr. Sadler's Pine Lodge will be held, to which all members of the Brotherhood and their friends are cordially invited.

And, of course, on August 21st at 8:00 P.M. Jesus' birthday is always celebraetd at 533 Diversey Parkway.

In an prior newsletter we requested the various Societies to send to Headquarters any news items that might be of interest to readers. So far we have not received much to pass on. The First Urantia Society of Oklahoma has, however, informed us of their activities and operating plans.

Their group holds a two-hour meeting every Wednesday night. At present they are studying the "Life and Teachings of Jesus." A paper is assigned to a moderator six weeks prior to its presentation. They also have a special meeting every Sunday night with certain members who desire to explore the more difficult portions of the first three parts of the Urantia Book. Their group has also started a general library for the use of their Society.

The First Urantia Society of Chicago reports their activities as follows:

Their meetings continue every Sunday afternoon. The program is becoming more varied. The Program Committee plans the program about five months in advance, assigning a leader for each Sunday. The meeting is opened with an inspirational thought or quotation from the Urantia Book; sometimes there is formal responsive reading from the audience. At present the group is studying "The Life and Teachings of Jesus". Every other Sunday a paper from the book is presented. On alternating Sundays a topic is discussed. Some topics explored are Worship, Evil and Sin, Agondonters, Ministry, and Service; others coming up are God's Eternal Purpose, Angels, and Evolution of the Soul. An occasional Sunday is devoted to the discussion of letters received from folks who have discovered, or have been given the Urantia Book. Some interesting excerpts from letters are as follows:

"My blessing to you -- on this important work. It is a book that will forever characterize this era."

"The Urantia Book, to me, is my friend and companion which so quietly reveals the truths and has straightened out my thinking and understanding. It's the key which unlocks the door of my consciousness, and gives a light which I have never perceived before. ...It is a real appendix to the Bible, and I have searched for such writings for several years".

"I have found such tremendous aid and encouragement from the Urantia Book. I will always be grateful to you for introducing it to me and vice versa. Frankly, I don't know what I would have done without it this last year."

"I am 70 years old. I started to read Urantia in 1956. I have read it through about eight times and I think it is the greatest book ever printed. I rely on the Spirit of Truth to teach me and it works all right."

"Allow me to tell you of our delight in reading of the true teachings of Jesus in the Urantia Book; and that many a problem is solved daily by referring to His teachings; especially as regards the 'teacher' aspect in relationship to other people."

The following is a comment on the brochure: "It is excellent on all counts: Typography, legibility, format, selection of excerpts for interest and authoritative dignity of utterance...everything in keeping with its purpose."

Application for charter for the fifth Urantia Society, to be called the Second Urantia Society of Chicago, under the leadership of William S. Sadler, Jr., has been approved by the Executive committee of the Urantia Brotherhood. This Society will be installed and become active soon. We wish the fifth Society great success.

The Executive committee has established a lending library of the Urantia Book for the Urantia Brotherhood. It started with three books. The three books have been loaned several times, and all three have been purchased.

The Junior Urantians of the First Urantia Society, under the leadership of Ruth Renn, who gave a delightful and interesting program last year, wil present another program on June 5.

Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger, formerly of Culver, Indiana, now of Fort Wayne, has recently become a Member-at-Large of the Urantia Brotherhood. Dr. Sprunger has interested many people in the book, including several ministers, and has started two or three study groups; several of the members of which have enrolled in the Urantia Brotherhood School.

So far during 1960, 107 Urantia Books have been released.

Mrs. Anna B. Kellogg passed away February 24th. The Urantia memorial service was conducted by Rev. Donald C. Morrison.

Please send in your news.

James C. Mills Vice-President


A Service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship