QUARTERLY NEWS LETTER FROM You will find several documents attached to this letter: Annual statement of the Treasurer, a revised roster of all General Council and committee members, and a presentation of the Urantia Book prepared by Dr. Meredith Sprunger, pastor of the Grace Evangelical and reformed Church of Culver, Indiana, who has enthusiastically accepted the Urantia Book and is conducting a study group in his church. The annual meeting of the General Council was held Sunday, January 13, at 533 Diversey Parkway. Tom Wilderoe and Luther Evans were elected members of the General Council to fill vacancies left by death. New committee members were also elected. Committee chairmen and officers of the General Counctil submitted their annual reports which may be briefly summarized as follows: Judicial: The work of compiling an index and cross reference of the Constitution and By-Laws of Urantia Brotherhood is nearing completion. Fraternal Relations: Principally engaged in a study of religions and denominations of the world in order to cope with problems which may arise. Charter: Chartered the First Urantia Society (the former Forum) and the West Coast Urantia Society of the Los Angeles area. Now engaged in making available certain packets of information and literature to be used by new groups interested in becoming integral units of the Brotherhood. Domestic Extension: Met six times. Sent gift books to about 50 libraries, universities and individuals. Also met with the leaders of several study groups to the end that the comittee might be of service to these groups in promoting the Urantia Book. Foreign Extension: Investigated the possibility of translating the book into foreign languages. Mailed books to 100 libraries scattered throughout the British Commonwealth. Education: Organized the teaching corps and the curriculum for the Urantia Brotherhood School which began Sept. 19th, with 71 students and auditors enrolled. Elected Dr. William S. Sadler, Pres., Alvin L. Kulieke, Dean, and Kenton Stephens, Secretary-Treasurer. Finance: Has raised funds to cover the year's expenses of the Brotherhood. Looking to the future, this committee is considering contacting individuals outside the Brotherhood for the purpose of raising funds. Publications: Published and sent out the Quarterly News Letter and assisted the Urantia Brotherhood in getting out its teaching material. Miscellaneous Activities: Has performed various jobs for chairmen of other committees particularly in assisting the Publications Committee in preparing materials for the Urantia Brotherhood School. The custodians of the Urantia Book report that as of January 1, 1957, 2,334 books have been distributed. The Urantia Brotherhood School is completing its first semester's work. The second semester will begin early in February with two courses being offered: Continuation of Dr. Sadler's Doctrinal Course, and a course in Technics of Speaking and Teaching by Kenton Stephens. Part II of the Doctrinal Study will be available for $5.00 early in February. You may look for a report as to the reception of the Book in a future edition of the News Letter. Warrren H. Kulieke Vice President |
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The Urantia Book Fellowship