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August 1979

To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives

Some of you may have received a letter supposedly from the Houston Society saying they would not sign the Licensing Agreement. Jim Jarnagin, president of the society, informs us that Allen Brazell sent this letter without the authorization of the Governing Committee. Jim assures us that he plans to have the Licensing Agreement approved by many of the society, hopefully the majority, and he will bring the signed agreements when he comes to the Triennial Delegate Assembly.

The Pacific Northwest Gathering recently held at Vancouver, B.C., was an effectively planned and well attended convention. The beautiful surroundings, excellent presentations, and good fellowship made it a memorable event and we should like to congratulate those who planned and participated in this inspiring conference.

Many of you will be coming to the Chicago workshops, sponsored by the Committee on Education and the Fraternal Relations Committee, the Triennial Delegate Assembly, or the General Council meeting. All of these events promise to be stimulating meetings. Urantia Brotherhood is beginning to take on the characteristics of a movement in the process of change and growth. We are beginning to face the realities and responsibilities of a spiritual ministry to the world in the place of our present seeming preoccupation with internal activities and relationships. We are coming "of age" in challenging times and face the "sublime uncertainty" of exciting service in the future.

We look forward to fellowshipping with you during these important and eventful meetings. Since this is the last Executive Committee Letter I will be writing, I should like to thank all of you for your forbearance and support during the past three years. The most pleasant task I have had as president has been opening communications on a broader scale in the Brotherhood. It has been a privilege to share with you each month and in this last letter I should like to send each of you my hearty best wishes for creative and joyous service in the years ahead. Fellowship has a timeless quality that transcends place and position.

Cordially, with love,

Meredith J. Sprunger, President



A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book