Executive Committee Letter To: General Councilors, Society Presidents, and Field Representatives Many of you have received the letter from James Kimmel announcing the organization of a group entitled "The Commonwealth Government of the Spiritual Brotherhood of All Mankind." Hawaii is envisioned as the center for a new form of world government based on the sovereignty of God. The Urantia Book is closely associated with this new organization. The Foundation has written Jim deploring the use of The Urantia Book to further his own political beliefs and ambitions and asks him to abandon his plans to use The Urantia Book for political purposes. They also warned him that the daily reading of The Urantia Book to cable television and using it for video-taping may very well constitute an infringement of the copyright law. Most of you, no doubt, have received James Jarnagin's letter stating that while the Houston society supports the Foundation's ownership of the copyright and the supervision of the registered marks, they have decided not to sign the Licensing Agreement. My letter informing the Houston society of the Executive Committee's declaration of intent is enclosed. The Special Projects Committee will furnish the General Council with a noon lunch for a nominal cost so that we may continue the General Council meeting on Saturday, August 12, with as little disruption as possible. Louis Celentano of New Haven, Ct, Dennis Kersey of Indianapolis, IN, and Ben LeMay of Namur, Quebec, Canada, were accepted as members-at-large. Carolyn Kendall and her committees are doing a wonderful job co-ordinating a rather complex general conference and the Brotherhood staff is overloaded with last minute adjustments and preparation. We look forward to a great time together. Cordially, Meredith J. Sprunger, President MJS/MTR Encl. 1 |
A Service of
The Fellowship for
Readers of The Urantia Book