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June 1978

Julia Fenderson writes: "Warm, good fellowship, excellent talks, music, and delicious food in a beautiful setting of flowers, trees, and streams made the Vancouver Urantia Conference an outstanding success. This was due to the top leadership and planning by Nathen Zadden who had worked for weeks and weeks to make this all possible." The meeting was held in a private lodge on Bowen Island with about forty-five people attending.

Many of us from the Chicago area attended the Midwest Conference at Fort Wayne. John Hales reported to the Executive Committee that: "The Midwest Conference of Urantia Book readers held in Fort Wayne, Indiana, was a weekend of good fellowship shared by some 99 participants. Talks and workshops along with evening singing were enjoyed by all despite the continuous spring rains. Thanks go to the planning committee made up of individuals from distant geographic locations in the midwest for their co-ordinating efforts."

All of our Urantia societies except Houston have signed the Licensing Agreement. In talking with Jim Jarnagin by phone, Jim told me the Houston society has decided not to sign the agreement. They support the Foundation in defending the copyright of The Urantia Book, but do not believe their society should sign a legal contract with the Foundation regarding the marks.

Although we regret this collective decision, we recognize the right of every group to determine its own policies. We also realize that some groups and individuals function more comfortably in the Urantia movement in a non-official capacity. Such a relationship can actually foster better interpersonal rela-tionships and augment the spiritual quality of brotherhood. We sincerely hope this will be true of our friends in Houston. Even at this time, however, we still hope the Houston society will reconsider their decision.

The following selections were recommended by the Sub-nominating Committee to the Executive Committee for nominations to the departmental committees: Judicial -Edith Cook; Charter - Irene Sprunger; Fraternal Relations - Vern Grimsley; Domestic Extension - Geraldine Hahn; International Fellowship - Mary Snider; Education -Lynne Kulieke; Publications - Michael Painter; Finance - Gloriann Harris; and Special Projects - Edmond Kulieke and Ruth Burton (Ruth would re-place Corlin Renn who resigned). The Executive Committee will act on these recommendations next month.

As you know, I had recommended to the Sub-nominating Committee that they present at least two names for each office and that the Executive Committee nominate at least two people for each office. The majority of the Executive Committee at this point in time prefers to nominate only one person, as has been the custom in the past. I would hope that eventually the Executive Committee will agree to nominate at least two people for each office. If some of the General Councilors plan to make nominations from the floor, they must have prior consent of the people nominated.

You all, no doubt, have received copies of The Circles, a very attractive Journal of the Dallas Fellowship for the Study of The Urantia Book. We should like to congratulate the Dallas Fellowship on the publication of this diverse and stimulating periodical. I plan to write a response to Phil Eversoul's article on Urantia Brotherhood.

The Charter Committee under the direction of Mary Lou Hales is making an inten-sive study of experiences and procedures which will aid mature study groups in achieving responsibility and service capabilities which would be desirable for Urantia societies.

So far we have received only eleven orders for the General Conference tapes of 1974 and 1975. Unless we have fifty orders by July 1, 1978, it is financially prohibitive to reproduce these tapes.

Summer weather has arrived in the midwest. Schools are dismissing for the summer and family vacations are beginning. We wish all of you a pleasant summer.



Meredith J. Sprunger, President


A Service of
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book